Chapter 495 Guarding the Farm (5)

It is still very difficult for Nalan Yue to kill them with one move!
The space bracelet turned on the attack mode, and thousands of silver needles were thrown out, shooting at them from all directions!
Immediately, many piranhas were frozen for a few seconds!

And in just a few seconds, Nalan Yue had already reached the piranha that was stabbed by the dagger before, and killed it in three hits!
Without thinking too much, she immediately used the trick she created before to deal with the remaining piranhas.

In a bloody fight...

Dozens of piranhas were quickly killed by her!
After killing them, Nalan Yue immediately turned to look at the plants. Fortunately, none of the plants were damaged.

Go down again with a knife and take out their magic crystals.

A total of ten magic crystals plus the previous one is a total of one magic crystal.

What puzzled Nalan Yue was that the progress bars above the plants were always zero, and there was no sign of growth at all!
But at this time, more than half a day has passed, so it shouldn't be growing at all!
Looking at the magic crystal in her hand, a thought suddenly popped up in Nalan Yue's mind - maybe these plants need to be fed with magic crystals!
But no matter what, Nalan Yue will definitely not leave any of these plants alone, and I don't know if this method will work, but you will know if you try it!

Nalan Yue walked over, half squatted in front of a plant, and fed the magic crystal to it with spiritual energy.

Sure enough - the progress bar on the plant's head successfully increased a little.

Really just a little bit!

Nalan Yue's brain, which is as sophisticated as a computer, calculated a number at once, and a magic crystal is only a percent!

In other words, one hundred magic crystals are needed to feed one plant!

There are sixteen plants in it, which means [-] magic crystals are needed!

Nalan Yue: "...".

Those who say this level is easy to pass should be pulled out and shot for half an hour, and then pulled out and hung up!

The corners of her mouth are twitching all the time, this... is too pitiful!
At first, she thought that she could take two magic crystals with her. Judging from the current situation, she should be laughing if she can feed all these plants to grow up!

The problem is where can she find so many magic crystals, she can't use her own magic crystals in the space to refill the number, right?

Immediately, the system gave a sentence that completely sealed off her retreat—"Do not use foreign objects!"

Nalan Yue seemed to sigh, "I'm really afraid of something!"
What is a foreign object refers to your own things that have nothing to do with this level. In fact, it is implicitly saying: you can only use the magic crystals obtained in the level to feed plants!
Everything else is not allowed!

Well, now the method of using the magic crystal in the space has not been implemented yet, it has been obliterated in the cradle!
Nalanyue didn't feel discouraged at all, she couldn't use her magic crystal, she couldn't bear it!
First feed the remaining magic crystals to each plant separately, but there are sixteen plants for eleven magic crystals!

The remaining five plants have yet to be fed!
The corpses of several piranhas have been automatically disposed of because they are dead.

At this time, the farm still looks very peaceful... The night is replaced by day, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant!
It's just that since the few piranhas that came here at night, Nalan Yue hasn't seen any other monsters visiting!

(End of this chapter)

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