Chapter 496 Guarding the Farm (6)

It's just that since the few piranhas that came at night, Nalan Yue has waited for a long time during the day and has not seen a trace of a monster!
No magic beast means no magic crystal, no magic crystal can't feed the plants, and can't feed the plants can't pass the level!

Therefore, Nalan Yue made a decision—go out and find the monsters by herself!
He secretly ordered Xiao Fenghuang and the others to help guard the farm. If there was any news, let them inform her immediately, and she would come back as soon as possible!
Xiao Fenghuang and the others are her beast pets, which are considered part of her strength, so it is not a foul!
Little Phoenix and Xiao Bai came out of the space bracelet, and obediently stayed beside the farmland... Flutter, flutter the butterflies!

Nalan Yue looked at it for a while and wiped her sweat. It is really enough to have such an unreliable pet!

However, Nalan Yue was very relieved about their strength, let go of the worries in his heart, and Nalan Yue left the farm.

Head up the hill opposite the farm.

She was lucky, as soon as she reached the mountainside, she encountered a few piranhas, once again skillfully used her own tricks, and killed the piranhas in a few strokes!

Nalan Yue wiped off the blood on the little dagger, and took out the magic crystals of these piranhas!

He raised his feet and continued to go to the mountains. All he met along the way were scattered monsters. After looking at them, he got more than 50 magic crystals.

This magic crystal is not enough to plug the teeth!

Nalan Yue couldn't help biting the tip of her tongue, even though she was hunting like this, the problem was that there wasn't enough prey!
Besides, even if she has the patience to fight a few monsters every day, will the game give her so much time?
Obviously that's impossible!

Looking up towards the forest in the distance, densely packed trees hang down a shade, and various herbs grow on the ground.


Wouldn't that be a medicine primer to attract monsters?

This way, she wouldn't have to waste her time looking everywhere!

Nalan Yue blinked, and ran towards that side, squatting on the ground to pick a few medicinal herbs, rubbing them with her hands to fuse their medicinal properties together.

Then sprinkle them on the ground slowly and evenly.

Just in case, Nalan Yue deliberately blocked the screen with her body on her back, bit her finger and put some blood in it.

Since Little Phoenix likes her blood as a divine beast, other monsters are naturally no exception!

Now that everything was done, Nalan Yue turned around and waited quietly.

But the people outside didn't know what Nalan Yue was doing, they just thought she was playing tricks!

Time flows little by little...

The trap that Nalan Yue set up is also waiting for the monsters to automatically come to the door...

As soon as the tip of her ear moved, she heard a messy movement not far away, and Nalan Yue immediately ducked and hid behind a big tree.

His eyes were fixed on what happened here.

Soon, one, two, three... a lot of monsters with strange appearance came on their hoofs one after another!

"Tread!" The sound of hooves sounded as if there were thousands of horses and horses, and they surrounded the place where Nalan Yue sprinkled the powder and blood.

They scrambled to sharpen their heads and ate the... blood in it!
A gleam of light flashed across Nalan Yue's eyes hiding behind the tree, it's time!

As soon as the arm was stretched out, the branches and vines of the little god tree suddenly appeared, surrounded by countless branches as thick as arms.

(End of this chapter)

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