Chapter 497 Guarding the Farm (7)

Immediately, the group of monsters seemed to be tied up by a big rope, screaming desperately one by one!

"Roar... Roar!"

Nalan Yue ran out from behind the big tree nimbly, and threw something at them with her fingers!
Bang - the huge explosion was deafening!
What she throws is the Cherry Bomb collected earlier!
The tied monster had no time to dodge, and was blown to pieces in no time!

Nalan Yue slightly hooked the corners of her lips, raised her legs and walked over there, taking back the vines of the Little God Tree along the way.

The power of the cherry bomb was really strong, almost all the more than 100 magic beasts that were attracted were blown dizzy, and they died. Seeing Nalanyue who still had a breath, he directly gave him another blow.

They didn't take out all their magic crystals, but gave them all to the income space first.

After all, time is limited, let's make a few more traps, wait until there are more monsters, and then take out their magic crystals together!
After entering the space, Nalan Yue found several herbs again and made several traps in a row.

Waves of monsters are coming...

Neither level is particularly high, so a Cherry Bomb is an easy fix.


Explosions sounded again and again!
Collect!All in the space!

After doing this several times, I have collected more than 300 monsters!

The audience outside were completely amazed by her skill. Almost every audience is discussing about Nalan Yue's game now!
As for the other people, they are almost all bleak, but the top few, for example, Ye Jin and Xiao Ziyu are still very good!

Nalan Yue's eyebrows and eyes were bent, as fresh as a new moon. According to this speed, she could collect [-] magic crystals in about three days!

It was getting late, Nalan Yue was going to go down the mountain considering that monsters would come to harass the farm at night.

Not forgetting to gather a bunch of medicinal herbs for preparation, when walking to the foot of the mountain, looking at the clear stream, Nalan Yue suddenly thought of a good way!

Although this is in the Royal Secret Realm, most of these things are virtual, but even so, the monsters there still need to drink water!

If you can poison them all...

Wouldn't it be possible to pick up the magic crystal while walking!

Immediately, Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, clapped her hands, and said to herself, "That's great, let's do it like this!"

Anyway, making poison is nothing but a trivial matter in her eyes!

Nalan Yue took out a few small bottles given by the system when removing poisonous smoke from the previous "City of the Dead", and took the freshly picked herbs beside her, crushed them and put them in.

Throw it all into the small bottle, put a few broken poisonous silver needles in it and turn it twice.

You're done!
Nalan Yue stood up abruptly, her blue skirt was stained with some medicinal herb juice, if there was a medicinal fragrance pervading.

Outside the arena - in the audience

Everyone didn't understand what she was going to do until... Nalan Yue curled her lips and poured the black potion in the small bottle into the stream.

Everyone instantly understood that she was poisoning the stream!
Immediately, everyone started discussing again, and each had their own opinions. Some people thought she was smart, because the monster might be poisoned to death when it drank water.

But some people have objections, not to mention that the stream is flowing...

(End of this chapter)

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