Chapter 499 Guarding the Farm (9)

There was neither surprise nor joy on that peerless face, without makeup but elegant and moving, like spring bamboo shoots covered with mist.

Nalan Yue was still laying traps on the ground as before.

In fact, she has exposed a lot through this competition, but she is not afraid, anyone who wants to snatch something from her hand must step over her corpse!

After the trap was set, Nalan Yue jumped onto a big tree and sat down with her legs hanging down.

Under the influence of the tempting smell of blood and medicinal herbs, a large number of monsters came soon...

Fighting together frantically, scrambling to lick the little blood on the ground, as if this blood is more important than their lives!
On the branch, Nalan Yue raised her chin slightly, and her eyes fell on the monsters below.

Is her blood so attractive?

How strange!
Without allowing Lan Yue to think too much, she had already flung out the vines of the Little God Tree from her wrist, and countless vines rushed over from all directions again!
All of a sudden, these monsters were bundled into rice dumplings!
This time, she didn't use cherry bombs, but jumped directly from the top, and took out a small dagger to fight them together!
Although the level is very important, but the actual combat is more important in comparison!

She is at the level of a martial artist but her foundation is too weak, she must use more actual combat to strengthen it!
Secretly ordered the little god tree to leak a few monsters out for her to practice.

Immediately, Nalan Yue stood up, and her light blue body drew a stunning arc in the air.

There are no fancy moves, fierce, bloodthirsty, and the sword pierces the vitals of the monster.

"Chi Chi Chi!" There was a bruised voice, and the scene was dripping with blood.

The reason why they can move one by one is because Nalan Yue's strength is higher than them, and there are quite a few of them who were poisoned by the poison in the stream!

Soon, this group of monsters was dealt with by Nalan Yue, and by the way, they were included in the space.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped down several traps at the same time, and all of a sudden, many monsters followed the smell...

Nalan Yue's method was the same as before, she took a few hands to practice, and let the little god tree block them together.

The current Little God Tree is no longer what it used to be, and there are enough magic crystals in the space to upgrade it. At this moment, Nalan Yue's strength is estimated to be stronger than her... a little!
So it is not a problem to trap these little monsters.

"Bang bang!" The cherry bomb exploded!
Another burst of bloody... unilateral abuse!

It continued like this until sunset, and the fiery red clouds in the sky looked like a group of flames, which looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Nalan Yue's record today - [-] magic crystals!

Adding yesterday's [-] plants, that's [-] plants. As long as there are another [-] plants, all the plants will be mature!

Thinking of this, the corners of Nalan Yue's lips could not help but bend, and her smile was shallow, so she also decided to stay on the mountain tonight and continue to fight monsters.

Last night, there weren't many magical beasts harassing the farmland, so there shouldn't be any problems with Little Phoenix and Xiaobai.

Walking towards the creek, Nalan Yue took out a small bottle again and poured all the potion in it, and also told Little Phoenix to the two little guys through the contract connection.

Then, she turned around and continued to set traps overnight.

At this speed, she can successfully complete the task the next day!
(End of this chapter)

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