Chapter 500 Guarding the Farm (10)

The trap was set up, and Nalan Yue started to fight again according to the previous method!
Brush brush!
Fifty monsters...

one hundred...

two hundred...

Seeing that there are only the last two hundred monsters left!

Just when Nalan Yue was about to prepare some materials for making traps...Little Phoenix suddenly called her for help through the spiritual link!
"Master! A lunatic is coming to destroy the farmland..."

In the middle of speaking, Little Phoenix's voice became intermittent, presumably he was fighting with that "lunatic"!
What puzzled Nalan Yue was that Little Phoenix and the one who made the trouble were a person, not monsters!

This really aroused Nalan Yue's curiosity, but she didn't know whether this person was from this level or a contestant like her!
But now is obviously not the time to think about this, Nalan Yue also gave up the trap and immediately went down the mountain at the fastest speed.

Through the experience of fighting monsters in the past few days, not only her strength has been consolidated, but her speed has also improved a lot!

farm side

Little Fenghuang and Xiaobai are struggling to fight with a "lunatic" who is full of stains and ragged clothes!
After all, Little Phoenix and the others are still in their infancy, and their strength is not as strong as that lunatic!
And this "lunatic" has been trying to destroy the plants in the farmland!

Nalan Yue had just arrived at the foot of the mountain, and what she saw was such a scene. Her eyes turned cold instantly, and she rushed to the farm directly thinking about it!
The small dagger quickly stabbed at his back!
"Whoosh—" the sound of piercing the air!

But that lunatic seemed to have eyes behind him, so he dodged it all at once!
Nalan Yue's dagger stabbed in the air, she quickly stabilized her figure, and asked coldly, "Who are you!"

"Madman" turned around slowly, and laughed at her, "Little bitch, I finally found you, it's you who made me so miserable!"

Nalan Yue was taken aback by this familiar voice, and satirized, "Who did this girl think it was, so it's you, a faggot!"

The people watching the game outside were amused and burst into laughter, Nalan Yue's mouth is really too poisonous!
That's right, he was Lan Xuan who wanted to kill Nalan Yue in the maze before, but in the end he was trapped in the maze by Nalan Yue's design.

I thought he was already out, but I didn't expect to meet him in this level!
The so-called Yuanjia Road is narrow!

Lan Xuan's face froze, his face was gloomy like the sky when a storm is approaching, he became angry from embarrassment, "Nalan Yue, you are courting death!"

Flying body punched Nalan Yue violently!

Nalan Yue was also not afraid, and dealt with him together with Little Phoenix.

The vines of the Little God Tree protruded from his wrists, binding Lan Xuan's hands and feet, restricting his movements.

The space bracelet launched with thousands of silver needles!
Little Phoenix and Xiaobai immediately flew to him, biting and attacking him in various ways!
The perfect cooperation between one person and several beast pets is just a matter of seconds!

As early as when she was talking nonsense with him, she had already arranged the tactics, and then notified a few friends!

All of a sudden, the division of labor was clear, and Lan Xuan was caught off guard!
But Lan Xuan quickly realized that, after all, his strength was higher than that of Nalan Yue and the others combined!
In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless!

After several battles, Nalan Yue has always been at a disadvantage!
(End of this chapter)

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