Chapter 502 Guarding the Farm (12)

A close call!
Naturally, Nalan Yue would not slack off, the more calm she became at this time, there was no trace of fear in her eyes, only a strong fighting spirit!
At the same time, she also mobilized all the spiritual energy in her body, and let it out in one go, facing the huge ice sword with her palm.

Want to use aura to resist the huge ice sword!

On the opposite side, Lan Xuan sneered playfully, and cursed secretly, "You can't do what you can!"

Nalan Yue heard it but didn't bother him at all. Instead, she mobilized all her aura to confront the ice sword in front of her!
For a moment, Bingjian and Nalanyue's auras were deadlocked together!

An incredible scene actually appeared, and almost everyone looked at it in shock!
Just imagine, two people with a difference of one level have the same spiritual power, how is this possible!
But this phenomenon only lasted for a few seconds, and the ice sword continued to stab in front of Nalan Yue.

Lan Xuan also heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes were full of sarcasm, he never believed that Nalan Yue could resist this ice sword!
Flipping his fingers, Lan Xuan immediately poured spiritual energy into the ice sword!
In an instant, Bingjian moved forward again!
It was about to stab Nalan Yue's heart!

Little Phoenix and the others immediately became jealous, and each of them used all their breastfeeding strength to bite Lan Xuan frantically!

Lan Xuan's teeth were itchy from them, and he started to deal with them!
At the same time, Nalan Yue's body was about to reach its limit. The reason why she was able to equalize with Bingjian before was because she almost emptied the aura in her body.

Bingjian approached her step by step, she resisted with all her might, the sweat was really like rain, and there was a layer of water on the ground.

Her whole body seemed to be fished out of the water!
At this moment, all the audience outside the arena were infected by her desperate persistence!
No one called her trash anymore, no sneering laughter!

For a moment, Nalan Yue conquered everyone with her noble character!

Everyone couldn't help cheering for her, "Nalan Yue, hold on!"

"Come on, come on, we are optimistic about you!"

"Nalan Yue, although I have slandered you in various ways before, but now I am completely conquered by you, Goddess, come on!"

"Oh, oh, and us... Goddess, come on!"

The atmosphere on the field suddenly reached its peak, and some of them couldn't sit still and stood up, shouting and cheering for her!

On the screen, that girl with a beautiful face was confronting an ice sword bigger than herself at the moment!

Her eyes were clear and firm, the most beautiful eyes they had ever seen, Nalan Yue never thought about how much glory this competition brought her!
In the end, the power of the ice sword was greater than that of Nalan Yue, and the moment it pierced her heart——

Just when everyone felt sorry——

The miracle has appeared!
The golden promotion circle fell on her like a life-saving straw!
Those circles of bright golden light almost blinded people's eyes, the brilliance shone brightly.

Immediately there were thunderous applause and applause outside the arena. At this moment, no matter whether it was the passionate young girls or the steady seniors, they were all excited!

Nalan Yue's personality is really very attractive, she doesn't argue, doesn't show off or envy, she has strength but she doesn't explain anything when the world insults her.

Instead, he used his own strength and personality to conquer everyone step by step!

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief...

(End of this chapter)

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