Chapter 503 Guarding the Farm (13)

Here, Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile spreading from the corner of her mouth, she finally succeeded!

All the hardships I have suffered before are worth it, and Lan Xuan... it's time for my sister to abuse you!

Lan Xuan, who was fighting with Little Phoenix, suddenly stayed where he was, as if struck by lightning!
She said subconsciously, how is this possible, how is it possible... Obviously the ice sword is about to pierce her heart, and she should get out of the game soon, so how could it be...

He was really shocked, he never thought that the form would change in the blink of an eye!

He wanted to stop it, but how could he break through the protective cover designed by the system master himself!
At this time, Nalan Yue has successfully promoted to a four-star martial artist!

All the injuries she suffered in the fight with Lan Xuan before were healed under the light of the promotion circle!

Just when everyone thought it was over, that golden color descended again, wrapping Nalan Yue's whole body tightly!

"Ding, promotion to five-star martial artist..."

There was an uproar!
"Promoted to two stars in a row...why is luck so good!"

"This is not the most shocking part, the most shocking thing is that she, she is already a five-star martial artist!"

"Damn... how old is she? A fifteen- or six-year-old five-star martial artist can absolutely kill her peers!"

"Aww, on the other hand, I am 50 years old, and I am only a one-star martial artist!"


Once again, Nalan Yue conquered everyone with her own strength!

"But since she is so powerful, why is she being called trash!"

"Yes... yes... Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is not your style of doing things!"

Of course, some people raised doubts about this. After all, Nalan Yue had been passed down as a waste for so many years, and she was once a shame to Hua Guo, but why did she suddenly become a genius!

Not only were they puzzled, but Nalan Jue was also full of doubts. Looking at the girl on the screen, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

He... doesn't know what's going on with her strength!

Therefore, Nalan Jue remained silent in response to everyone's questions, and it was his silence that made speculations all over the place.

on the screen

Nalan Yue has been successfully promoted at this time, and the number of times she has been promoted to too many stars is no surprise to her!
She turned around and smiled coldly at Lan Xuan, her clear eyes were full of dangerous light.

Now she is a five-star martial artist, and he is only a four-star, but he is nearly twenty years old, and all of them are accumulated from drugs!
Four words, vulnerable!
Lan Xuan was startled, and secretly clenched his fists, but he also understood that Nalan Yue was an existence he couldn't beat at this time!

And a quarter of an hour ago, she was so abused by herself that she almost quit the competition!

Who would have expected that the situation would be so sudden!
Nalan Yue is not going to talk nonsense with him, she will use her actions to tell him what it will be like to mess with her!

The small dagger wields a trick of spiritual power, and the strong spiritual energy is attached to it, making the attack extremely violent!
Although Lan Xuan knew that his strength was not as good as others, he would not show weakness just because of this, and fought fiercely with her.

"Overestimate yourself!" Nalan Yue said coldly, and returned the words he had laughed at her earlier!
Lan Xuan's face turned red immediately, and he looked angry again, "Nalanyue, don't bully me too much!"

Heh... Nalan Yue almost made him laugh angrily. Does she call it too much of a bully?

Then who wanted to kill her before?

(End of this chapter)

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