Chapter 504 Guarding the Farm (14)

"I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such a shameless person like you!"

Nalan Yue stabbed him with a small dagger while uttering words to humiliate him.

Lan Xuan was forced to retreat again and again, and at the same time, he had to bear Nalan Yue's "humiliation", "You better stop, or I will kill you if there is a match!"

Oh, threaten her?Did Nalan Yue scare her when she was there?

"If you want to kill me, then I'll kill you first!" After the words closed, Nalan Yue's offensive became more intense.
Before, her way of fighting was to fork him with a knife like chopping cabbage.

But it was not fatal, it only made him extremely painful!
But now Nalan Yue doesn't think so anymore, she's had enough fun, she should let him go!
While dodging, Lan Xuan said harshly, "Nalanyue, you are not afraid that the realm will kill you every minute!"

"Of course..." Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, and just as Lan Xuan showed a proud expression, she continued to utter two words, "Don't be afraid!"

"You..." Lan Xuan was at a loss for words. In this world, people who are not strong are scary, but people who don't want their lives are actually more scary. After all, the stronger the person, the more he will care about life!

"Because you can't protect yourself. If what I said is right, your sister is probably...hehe!" Although Nalan Yue didn't say the last two words, Lan Xuan still raised his head in surprise.

He blurted out, "Why...don't mind your business!"

Realizing that he almost slipped the tongue, Lan Xuan immediately changed his voice.

Nalanyue ignored him, she had already guessed something from the way the domain master treated Lan Xin'er and Lan Xuan's gloomy messed up expression.

After all, no matter how much a person pretends, there are some things that he can't hide!
The aura was continuously sent to the small dagger, ready to give him a fatal blow!
Get him out of the game!

"Whoosh—" The sound of the dagger cutting through the air and blocking the flow!
This scene is so similar to when Nalan Yue was attacked before, many people couldn't help applauding!

There was a dark red cold light in Lan Xuan's eyes, and there was a cold dagger stabbing towards him more and more in his eyes.

He already knew that he was doomed this time, but how could he watch Nalan Yue successfully pass the competition!
Anyway, this is a secret realm, even if you die, you are not really dead!

Lan Xuan, who had made up his mind, suddenly sneered, and his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting more and more bulging.

It's like a big ball!

The audience outside the stadium subconsciously exclaimed, "He is going to blow himself up!"

"Damn it, a fucking gay man is so cunning!"

"It's too bad, if you can't beat it, you will die together!"

Yes, Lan Xuan is playing the banner of "together to die together", he is out, but he has to pull a back!

Although Lan Xuan's strength level is one star lower than Nalan Yue's, but if he explodes himself, his power is still very powerful!

Nalan Yue can guarantee that she is intact, but she cannot guarantee that the plants in the farm are also intact like her!
This is the most shady place for Lan Xuan. Even if Nalan Yue cannot be hurt, these plants must be destroyed so that she cannot finish the game!

Therefore, Lan Xuan rushed to the farm desperately while preparing to explode himself!
"It's too cloudy..." The audience obviously also saw this, and they all complained for Nalanyue!
But in my heart, I was looking forward to whether Nalan Yue could counterattack again!
 The author said: Girls who vote monthly will become more beautiful, (*∩_∩*)
(End of this chapter)

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