Chapter 505 Guarding the Farm (15)

But in my heart, I was looking forward to whether Nalan Yue could counterattack again!
But many older people couldn't help shaking their heads. After all, Lan Xuan was about to reveal himself, and Nalan Yue had only just been promoted to five-star. Even if he was one star higher than him, it might not be able to stop him. Self-destruct!

In fact, Nalan Yue also considered this point, so she didn't want to stop him from blowing himself up!

On the contrary, she wants to "help" him!
Lan Xuan, don't you want to blow yourself up, then my sister will let you explode all at once!

At the moment when Lan Xuan was about to explode - Nalan Yue reached out and threw a cherry bomb!
Almost everyone is puzzled!
Knowing that people are going to blow themselves up, and throwing bombs, isn't this really adding fuel to the fire?
But... "Bang!" The rumbling explosion sounded all of a sudden!
Everyone couldn't bear to watch the game!
Because they knew that Nalan Yue would be out soon!Even if you can't get out of the game, you will lose the game!
But what everyone didn't know was that the cherry bomb exploded first, and Lan Xuan's self-explosion had no chance at all!

At this time, he had already been blown up by Nalan Yue's strengthened cherry bomb!

And as early as the second before, when the bomb was thrown, Nalan Yue had already covered the entire farmland with the vines of the little god tree.

From a distance, it seems that the farmland is covered with a thick green carpet!

Off the field...

Lan Xuan is out of the game!

Although the injuries he suffered in the secret realm were all fake, his spiritual power still suffered a certain amount of backlash!

As soon as he came out, he didn't care about his injuries, so he immediately looked up at the big screen - not only was Nalan Yue intact, even the plants were unharmed at the moment!

And Nalan Yue on the screen seemed to know that Lan Xuan was looking at her unwillingly at this time, she laughed coldly, and then raised a middle finger!


Lan Xuan was about to die of anger at this time, even in his dreams, he never thought of what Nalan Yue used to explode!

On the other hand, he wasted so much strength, and he was blown out instead of exploding himself. It's really a steal!

After asking the people around her, she found out that Nalan Yue had already obtained something called "Cherry Bomb" in the previous level!

At the same time, compared to Lan Xuan's unwillingness and anger, everyone is happy and cheering!

After all, Nalan Yue used her charm to conquer everyone long before!

Now she has another wonderful counterattack, which makes everyone excited, as if she is participating in the competition herself!
"Come on, Goddess!"

"Ooooh, Nalan Yue, you are my goddess, goddess!"

"From now on, whoever dares to call you trash, whoever I fight with, you are a well-deserved genius!"

On this continent, beautiful people won't be admired, and neither will rich people. Only those with supreme strength will win people's real admiration and respect!

That's right, this is the world where martial arts are respected, and whoever has the most powerful fists is the king!
The reason why the current emperor can be respected by people is also because his strength is also amazing!

Nalan Yue on the screen is still so wonderful and gorgeous, but her stunning little face is calm, there is a sense of quiet beauty that Mount Tai collapses in front of her and does not move!

Even those high-ranking referees who usually judge people with their noses...

(End of this chapter)

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