Chapter 507 Underwater World (1)

The system has already taken back the flowers, and not only Nalan Yue, but also the entire audience are thinking about what punishment the system will do!
The system started to say coldly, "Although all sixteen flowers are mature, one of them has been damaged. The punishment is..."

Nalan Yue's heart couldn't help trembling, she clenched her fists secretly, as long as she wasn't thrown out, she could accept any punishment!

"The punishment lose the right to choose the next level, and you have protected the small fish in the fish pond, so I reward you with two seeds!"

Just cancel the right to choose the next level?
Nalan Yue was startled, but she also realized that this punishment is not too big, but it is not too small!

After all, if you can't choose, it means that the system will automatically send you to a certain level!

Then you won't get anything...

The system has placed two dark, broad bean-sized seeds in Nalan Yue's palm.

Nalan Yue looked at the two seeds suspiciously, not knowing what kind of seeds they were, could they still be planted as treasures?
And can she use these two seeds and punishment to offset it?
Nalan Yue was about to open her mouth to ask the system, but the system no longer gave her a chance, because she had already been teleported!

This time, there was no feeling of fainting or nausea, but only a feeling of being out of breath, as if there were tens of thousands of catties of stones pressing down on the top of my head!
Nalan Yue couldn't help closing her eyes, but she was wondering which level she would be teleported to this time!

I don't know how long it took before Nalan Yue felt her body become cool, accompanied by a faint salty smell...

Nalan Yue immediately realized the strange city. She opened her eyes and looked around. When her lungs, which had been suppressed for a long time, thought she could finally take a deep breath——

"Cough...cough..." As soon as he opened his mouth, a stream of water came from all directions, not only the mouth, but almost everywhere!

Damn Lan Xuan, if he wasn't messing around, could the plants in the last level be injured? If she didn't get hurt, would she lose the right to choose the level?

Nalan Yue scolded Lan Xuan secretly in her heart, until - the salty taste of the water instantly stimulated her taste buds, and then Nalan Yue realized that she was at the bottom of the sea!
There is no doubt that sea water is salty!
She also finally understood why she felt the suffocating feeling of not being able to breathe well before. After all, there is resistance in the water, and according to her point of view, she should be nearly [-] meters under the sea at this time!
So it's normal to have these feelings, and fortunately you are a cultivator, if you are an ordinary person... you will probably die immediately!

Nalan Yue started to adjust her breathing, except for being a little embarrassed before, everything else was fine.

The limbs slowly open to fit the level under the sea!
Blinking her clear eyes, she suddenly remembered that when she selected a checkpoint, there was a display on it - the underwater world!
It seems that she is at the level of "Underwater World" at this time!

I just don't know what she should do in this level!
And what she also knows is that there are five levels in the Imperial City Competition, and this is the last level of the Imperial City Competition!
The difficulty must be great!

The underwater world is very charming, with beautiful layers of coral, slightly open clams, rippling aquatic plants of various colors, and countless colorful fish swimming happily...

Nalan Yue went downstream slowly and sat on a rock.

Usually, the system will automatically display tasks and rules, but this time it has not appeared for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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