Chapter 508 Underwater World (2)

Could it be the last hurdle, the system is not going to release anything, but you have to think about it yourself?
Nalan Yue broke into a sweat, she didn't even know how to figure out the rules!

But it is not Nalan Yue's style to sit and wait for death. She got up and swam slowly on the bottom of the sea.

Before she even took two steps, she sensitively realized that the water flow on the left had become faster...

It's like something is swimming over!
Before Nalan Yue could look up, two black shadows flashed in front of her eyes!

A huge fishing net came from the sky, Nalan Yue was already aware of the danger, and wanted to avoid it, but her nimble hands and feet just now became cumbersome.

Difficult to use the word to describe it is very appropriate!

That's how she got caught!
Still use a fishing net!Anyway, let your weapons be taller and more elegant!

She didn't even see people clearly yet!

One can imagine how fast their speed should be!

There was a hint of wariness in Nalan Yue's eyes, even when she was trapped in the fishing net, she did not show any signs of panic.

The calm and indifferent expression once again conquered everyone, especially the audience outside. They have seen many contestants who were caught by fishing nets but looked like they were scared!
The fishing net was dragged away at a rapid speed...

There was a splash of water behind!
Even if these two people are dragging one person, their speed is still so fast, which shows the depth of their strength!

Anyway, the current Nalan Yue can't perceive what level they are, and she also thought about saving herself, but this fishing net is really invulnerable, no matter what she does, she can't break it!

Even Xiao Fenghuang's teeth are all on, but it's still useless...

The fishing net is as hard as a city wall, no, it should be said to be a bit harder than diamonds!

In the end, Nalan Yue was too lazy to waste her efforts, her eyes fell on the two people dragging the fishing net!

They have colorful paint on their faces, which looks like modern soldiers, but those who have never seen them will probably be shocked by their makeup!

On the entire painted face, except for a pair of extremely serious eyes, no facial features can be seen at all!

Including their expressions!
In fact, a person's expression is the best way to express one's true inner thoughts, and Nalan Yue has made this idea, but it's a pity that people even have to hide their expressions now!
Nalan Yue simply gave up on this, but secretly wondered if they were also staff members of this competition?
It must be like this, they should be taking the contestants who entered the level to a place!

Anyway, it can't be a pirate living at the bottom of the sea, right?It is absolutely impossible for the competition party to play like this, after all, the people who come to participate in the competition will be the pillars of the Hua Kingdom in the future!
This is why the "death" in the secret realm is fake!

Thinking of this, Nalan Yue approached the two of them, hoping to get some useful information from them!
"Hey, two, where are we going?"

"What the hell... the scenery on the bottom of the sea is really beautiful... two handsome guys, where are we going!"

"Actually, you can say something quietly, and I will never reveal it!"

"Damn, are you all dumb, my sister is asking you something!"

Being ignored again and again, Nalan Yue suddenly became angry, it doesn't matter what your job is or not, even if you don't want to tell her, at least tell her! ! !

 The author said: The ninth update is over... (covering face) Thank you girls who voted monthly, you will become beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, important things are said three times! (Wow, cute!)

(End of this chapter)

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