Chapter 520 Underwater World (14)

snort!This is your sister's live broadcast!live streaming!Live!

Can you pay attention to your image?
Next to them, Feng Chu and Meng Luo looked at them with extremely speechless eyes. It is okay to show affection, after all, it is allowed by the law!

But have you ever considered that showing affection like this will spoil the little friends!

Ye Jin glanced at the two of them coldly, then withdrew his gaze and walked directly to the barrier that had been punched with a crack.

On the spot, the two bear children innocently touched their noses.

Ahead, Ye Jin had already started to give it the final blow towards the cracked gap!
Nalan Yue's clear gaze finally landed on him through layers of turbulent sea water—the light refracted by the sea waves shrouded his body lightly, that black robe that captivated the world with its peerless elegance!
Can't get enough of it...

It wasn't until the violent sound of "Bang -" woke her up that she came back to her senses and couldn't help shrugging her shoulders!

Damn, she actually committed a nympho to her male god!
Looking at the source of the sound, he realized that his male god had punched a small hole the size of a palm in the barrier!

Feng Chu ran over to tease her, "Yueyue, in fact, the sea water all over the place is your saliva!"

Meng Luo continued to make up the knife, "Drool for a nympho!"

Haha... Laughter on and off the field!
"Is it itchy?" Nalan Yue's eyes were fierce to the two of them, and her tone was also fierce, "Be careful, I'll make you all into bait!"

Feng Chu let out a "wow", and yelled at the Ye Jin ghost in front of her, "Ye Jiu... Yueyue is so violent... don't worry about it, let me tell you, this woman just can't be petted, once she is petted, she will go to heaven! "

Ye Jin slowly swam over, with an elegant and reserved posture, wrapped her arms around her slender waist, and gave Feng Chu a cold look, "This king's woman must be pampered to heaven!"

Feng Chu was defeated, and he muttered, "Wife control is strict!"

"Fengchu, I have to tell you a very serious question!" Meng Luo suddenly said seriously!

"Huh?" Feng Chu hadn't recovered from the blow just now, looked at him with some puzzlement, and motioned him to continue talking!

At the same time, Nalan Yue also looked at him, she had a premonition that Feng Chu would definitely be "hurt" after taking over!
Meng Luo pretended to have a deep smile, coughed twice and said after making all the preparations, "You are almost blinded by envy and jealousy, so that you feel hatred for any couple's show of affection... I said Right!"

Feng Chu yelled violently, chasing him and beating him all over the sea, "For your uncle, Little Mencius will definitely break your leg, no, he smashed your stinky mouth..."

"Fengchu, I can understand that you are becoming angry from embarrassment?"

"Annoying your sister... angry at your head!"


A submarine battle is staged like this!
Children, can you take into account that this is still in the game!
Nalan Yue looked at the two weakly and shook her head, then raised her eyes to look at the man beside her.

The man lowered his brows shallowly, his eyes were like stars falling into the bottom of the sea, shining brightly, and his voice was so deep and beautiful!

"Ignore them, let's go!"

Hold her little hand and swim with her to the barrier that has been opened.

It was originally just a crack like a spider web, but now it has become a hole the size of a palm.

It may be that the sea level over there is relatively high, so the sea water has been flowing towards the sea area where Nalan Yue is located.

Low water level is good!
(End of this chapter)

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