Chapter 521 How to Forget the Little God Tree

In this way, the fish after that can naturally come downstream very easily. Maybe they don't have to swim, and a vortex can be formed directly to beat the fish in!
Gazing at him appreciatively, Nalan Yue immediately took out the capsule pills that had been prepared. .

Looking at the palm-sized hole in front of her, she felt worried. She couldn't go back to tying it to the small hole with a fishing net!

Naturally impossible!
sky!How could I forget the little god tree!

He directly summoned the little god tree to stretch out a branch, and suddenly a dark green branch appeared on the bottom of the sea!

The soft branches were emerald green, and the leaves were also tender and tender. Nalan Yue hurriedly called a few friends to help them tie the capsules to the tree branches!
At this time, Feng Chu and Meng Luo stopped making trouble, and they came over curiously and asked, "Wow, Yueyue, where did you pick up the branches!"

Nalan Yue stopped what she was doing and threw a bag of pills at him, "Stop talking nonsense and work more!"

Meng Luo also glared at Feng Chu agreeingly, "You're so stupid, shut up!"

Apparently he saw that this was the Little God Tree!

Feng Chu's eyes widened in "Oh", and suddenly he came over with understanding, quickly silenced, and began to buckle the pills on the branches one by one!

After everything was tied up, Feng Chu raised his head and asked like a curious baby, "What should I do next?"

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips with a slight smile, "I have a free plan!"

Feng Chu and Meng Luo rolled their eyes, oh, oh, can you stop our curiosity!

Similarly, the audience outside thought the same way!
At this time, Nalan Yue had already walked to the small hole that was smashed open, and stuffed the branches of the little god tree - the green branches immediately reached the opposite sea area!
Although Nalan Yue and the others couldn't see the branches stuffed into the opposite sea area during the competition, the audience outside could see clearly through the big screen!
Nalanyue secretly ordered the little god tree to stretch the branches far away, so that the fragrance of the pills would definitely attract more schools of fish!

At that time, it will not be difficult to break through the barrier and reach the sea area on their side in one fell swoop!

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Feng Chu and Meng Luo waited anxiously...

Ye Jin trusted her just like Nalan Yue had confidence in him before!

Nalan Yue stood in front of the small hole in the barrier, trying to use the perspective skill while quickly repairing her mental power!
At the level of the "door" before, she wanted to see the situation inside the door, but she couldn't do anything. Her mental power was attacked, and the skills she cultivated could not be used anymore!

Now she is eager to know the situation on the other side of the barrier, but don't look at the barrier is transparent, but it is a piece of white, you can't see the situation on the other side with the naked eye!

That's why Nalan Yue wanted to quickly recover her mental power and then use her clairvoyance skills!
Fortunately, after these few days of rest, the mental power that was attacked before has been rested bit by bit by her.

When Nalan Yue was sure that her spiritual power had been fully repaired, she silently recited the formula of perspective—the barrier in front of her eyes gradually became empty, until she could clearly see the situation in the opposite sea area!
The branches of the Little God Tree have penetrated very far, swaying in the entire sea area, almost every fish there will be automatically attracted to them, and follow the branches of the Little God Tree all the way!

(End of this chapter)

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