Chapter 523 Points Full
On the big screen, there are more and more fish schools in the opposite sea area, and almost all the fish in the entire sea area are concentrated here!

Bang bang bang!
The school of fish slammed into the barrier like crazy!

Even separated by a layer of white barrier, they can still see the dark shadow clearly!
It is conceivable how big the base of the fish school is!

Perhaps one fish, two have very little strength, but thousands of fish, tens of thousands of fish or even more fish...then their strength is comparable to a cannon!
The barrier made a violent sound again, as if the barrier could be knocked open after a few more times!
Looking at the precarious barrier, Feng Chu couldn't help but feel eager to try, "Why don't we help them!"

Ye Jin suddenly said softly, "No, the school of fish will be smashed away in five more counts!"

All it takes is five seconds?
Many people are a little skeptical about this number, but they agree with it from the bottom of their hearts when they look at the rickety barrier!

But Nalan Yue and the others had great trust in his words!
The countdown begins now--






"Boom—crash—" At the last second, there was a thunder-like sound!
The sea water keeps coming in, and the sea level here suddenly rises!

All of a sudden, the fish swarmed in, and the spectacular scene was like a flood breaking through the embankment!



Immediately, Nalan Yueyejin and the others opened up a huge net, and the fish fell into the trap of the hunters unexpectedly!
There are also many kingfishes in the sea, and this one is worth [-] points!

But don't worry that the size of the catch net is not enough to carry this huge school of fish. In fact, the size of the catch net still depends on the aura of the user!

If you are a powerful person, you can change the size of the catch net to any size, which is like Monkey King's golden cudgel!
Get as big as you want!So Ma Ma no longer has to worry about our points!
A steady stream of fish falling into the net!
Nalan Yue and the four of them occupied a corner of a fishing net, and then aimed at the collapsed barrier, collecting all the fish from that side into the net!
In addition, the fishing net was transparent, and Nalan Yue and the others were hiding in the dense seaweed, so the fish did not notice any danger at all!
Instead, they are scrambling for the capsule pills that are buckled on the catch net!
This is really a desperate rhythm!

It wasn't until... when this group of stupid fish realized that they had been dragged away for no reason, that they realized that they had reached the most dangerous time!

I want to struggle, but the more I struggle, the smaller the net shrinks, and they don't stop until the fish and the fish are breathless!

Nalan Yue and the others had pulled all the fish in the big net to a hidden place, and then started——kill, kill, kill!

Start the refreshing scoring mode!

After half a day like this, they have already collected 50.00 million points, deducting [-]% of the handed in means they have a net gain of [-] million points!
Every time a wave is killed, they will go out together to find new fish!
It's really hard to brush points!
This continued until the fifth day, which was the last day of the competition!
At this time, they had already obtained [-] million points in the past four days, and after deducting the points that should be handed in, there were still [-] million points left!

This means that the points they need for this level have been reached!
(End of this chapter)

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