Chapter 524 Ye Jin PK Xiao Ziyu (1)

This means that the points they need for this level have been reached!
Now there is absolutely no need for them to carry them in the competition, and they can completely withdraw from the competition victoriously!

However, just when Fengchu and Meng Luo were about to ask the next No. [-] if they could end the game ahead of time—there was a sudden change in the bottom of the sea!
Not far ahead, the waves were rolling, and a large wave was set off, which was extremely terrifying!
The originally crystal-clear sea water also became turbid, as if a lake of clear nonsense was stirred a few times by someone with a tree branch, and the gray dust filled the entire sea area at once!

On the [-]st, I was very sorry and said to Nalan Yue and the others, "Although the points have met the requirements, it doesn't mean that you have passed this level, can resist the coming fish tide!"

"And you must participate now!" Number two who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke, and what he said was a little inexplicable!

Nalan Yue and the others didn't understand what No. [-] meant. There was no one else besides them!

Ye Jin looked thoughtfully at the seaweed not far away.

Until...the figure of that person appeared, Xiao Ziyu walked slowly from the shadows.

There was a little embarrassment on Wen Run's face, but he still smiled apologetically, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Walking in the turbid sea water, he is like a young man just like jade, not stained with dust!

It seems that the you in No. [-]'s "You must also participate" is referring to Xiao Ziyu!

But why did he appear here!

Nalan Yue frowned in confusion, but it was hard for her to ask, after all, she and Xiao Ziyu were just "strangers" now!
They are collaborators only when they use the pseudonym "Ghost Hand"!

But Feng Chu asked her a step earlier, with unfriendly eyes, "Xiao Ziyu, why are you here?"

As people in the same circle, even though they are not too thin, they still know a little bit about each other, especially about Xiao Ziyu!
Because he has been knowledgeable and talented since he was a child, he is what parents call "other people's child!"

Parents always say this...

"Look at Xiao Ziyu, he was promoted to xx level yesterday..."

"Xiao Ziyu has made the Xiao family so big..."

"What happened to Xiao Ziyu..."

For Feng Chu, who has been compared to him countless times by his parents, Xiao Ziyu is his nightmare!
The kind of people who would hate their teeth itching even in their dreams!

So Fengchu's attitude towards him was not very friendly!

Xiao Ziyu also noticed this, but he didn't care about it. He just explained lightly, "You guys took my fish away, so can I not come to your side?"

Oh, after giving him such an explanation, everyone immediately understood that the sea area that was broken by them before was actually the one he chose!

Haha... It's really a narrow road to the enemy, it deserves it!
Feng Chu smiled gleefully at the side, and cursed secretly, "You deserve it!"

Xiao Ziyu was too lazy to care about his childishness, instead, the corners of his eyes glanced at Nalanyue from time to time.

The little bit of love and factor in those eyes was well hidden by him!
But for a man as sensitive and extremely strong as Ye Jin, his small thoughts were immediately seen through by him!
So, she looked at him with cold eyes!

And intentionally or unintentionally blocked Nalan Yue so that the damned man opposite couldn't even see a single strand of Xiao Yue'er's hair!

 The author said - good night ~ good night ~ good night ~
(End of this chapter)

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