Chapter 525 Ye Jin PK Xiao Ziyu (2)

Xiao Ziyu is also not a coward, so he naturally looks at him fearlessly!

For a moment, the already cold sea water instantly cooled down again!

Now, Feng Chu and Meng Luo seemed to have discovered a new continent, and looked at the two invisible men who were fighting with great interest!
On the one hand, it hinted that someone in Nalan Yue was jealous!

Aww, the big vinegar tank broke out!

Seeing Feng Chu winking, seeing the two men "cross-eyed" there, Nalan Yue suddenly felt that her head was getting bigger!

Again, it's a game!Contest!
Can we be serious?

Besides, she and Xiao Ziyu are just strangers now, okay, what a shame!

Nalanyue complained secretly in her heart, dragging a certain jealous man, beckoning him to restrain himself.

Ye Jin seemed to be touching her head on purpose, and blew into her ear affectionately, "I don't know how to fight dogs!"

Nalan Yue looked at her with a broken smile, when she smiled, she had him in her eyes!

It will only be him!
On the opposite side, Xiao Ziyu lowered his eyebrows slightly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his head, "Ye Jin, would you like to come to the game? Who has earned more points in the fish tide!"

Ye Jin raised his chin from the girl's ear, narrowed his eyes lazily but dangerously, "Bet?"

He's answered it!

Nonsense, if the love rival wants to fight, then let's fight!
bet?Xiao Ziyu's eyes suddenly fell on Nalan Yue, but he quickly looked away, and said, "The loser must agree to one condition!"

"Yes, but it's only between you and me!" Ye Jin stared at him with deep eyes, her voice was indescribably cold.

What he meant was that - the conditions put forward by the other party can only be about each other, and cannot involve others!
Especially Nalan Yue!

That's his baby, it's not something to bet on!

Xiao Ziyu paused, even though the secret was exposed, he didn't panic, but chuckled lightly, actually with a little bit of evil spirit.

It just so happens that he doesn't want to use any indecent coercive means to get her, so let's fight!

In this way, maybe she can have him in her eyes, even if it's just a little... Even if it's a shadow!

Nalan Yue frowned, seeing Xiao Ziyu and her man like this, she always felt a little speechless.

But I didn't try to stop it, after all, I have confidence in the male god!
On the other hand, Feng Chu and Meng Luo kept winking at her, Yue Yuesao was a troublesome woman... Tsk tsk, they actually provoked two such excellent men to fight!
At this time, the bottom of the sea was almost muddy, and even a huge vortex formed in the depths of the bottom of the sea!

Now is not before the storm, on the contrary this is coming!

No. [-] and No. [-] obviously also heard the bet between the two men, and without saying anything, they directly threw two point counters to each other.

And similarly, Nalan Yue and the others were also given a points statistic device. It seems that this time they are competing against each other!
After giving the number one and number two, they turned around and walked away coldly!

The tide of fish is coming!

Ye Jin and Xiao Ziyu looked at each other coldly across the sea, and then they were about to go their separate ways.

Different road non-phase plan!
Ye Jin looked at Nalanyue with some worry, and just about to speak, Nalanyue covered his mouth.

She smiled lightly, her elegant smile was like a starry sky covered with rain and dew in the morning, "Don't worry, I don't want my man, Nalan Yue, to lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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