Chapter 530 The game is over (1)

But the fish boss was played by Nalan Yue, and his anger reached the peak in an instant!

Ye Jin's offensive is also very strong!
Originally, he and Xiao Ziyu didn't like each other, but at this moment they cooperated very well!
Ye Jin stabbed the fish boss fiercely with the ice sword formed by aura, directly attacking its soft belly!

The fish boss's body was too huge, it was too late to escape, and he was pierced through a blood hole immediately!
Even the internal organs and other things can be seen!
Ye Nan's attack is too strong!
Of course, the fish boss is not a vegetarian, so he counterattacked immediately, with his bloody mouth open, and the sharp parts on both sides directly stabbed at him!


Almost reaching Ye Jin's heart!
But Ye Jin's handsome face didn't move at all, and his slender body dodged very neatly.

Such a thrilling scene just now scared Nalan Yue into a cold sweat, and at the same time, it also made her hurry up to find out where the fish boss is deadly!
The battle is still going on...

Ye Jin and Xiao Ziyu wanted to subdue the fish boss, but in the end they all ran away cunningly, and they couldn't find its fatal spot!

Until—Boss Yu suddenly aimed all his targets at Feng Chu and Meng Luo, and they resisted desperately, but Boss Yu's strength was too great!
At this time, Ye Jin's eyes suddenly became fierce, and her moves were also extremely fierce. Her strength seemed to have doubled for no reason!
But Nalan Yue knew that it was because Ye Jin had aroused the hidden strange power in his body, just like the time when he uncontrollably dealt with the man in black before!
Although he speaks venomously about Fengchu and Meng Luo on weekdays, in fact he still cares about them very much in his heart, otherwise how could he prefer to save them even if he went mad!
But this is also a matter of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred!

In desperation, Nalan Yue didn't panic too much, because she had to stay extra sober at such times!
Perhaps because of this, Nalan Yue discovered the deadly part of the fish boss!
"Attack the three inches to the left of its abdomen!" Nalan Yue blurted out quickly, and the cherry bomb in her hand had already been thrown there first!

at the same time--

The sound of the explosion of the cherry bomb rang out, and the sound of Ye Jin's long sword piercing the belly of the fish also rang out!

Xiao Ziyu also stabbed Yuboss in the abdomen almost at the same time!

The fish boss realized the danger and wanted to hide, but was trapped by the branches of the small god tree, although it was trapped for a second!

But for the strong to fight, it takes more than a second, half a second is enough!

The fish boss was killed!

The seabed instantly returned to its former clarity and brightness!

The sea is warm and the corals are beautiful!
At the same time, the points on each of their point counters are scrolling and refreshing rapidly!
Nalan Moon——10 billion points!
Ye Jin - 10 billion points!
Xiao Ziyu—9.99 million points!
Fengchu - 8 million points

Monroe - 8 million points!
"Wow!" Feng Chu yelled and leaned over, "How do I remember that I didn't even have [-] million points before!"

Meng Luo took the words coolly from the side, "Boss Yu's points are great!"

Nalan Yue and the others glanced at him in agreement!
Indeed, the fish boss has a lot of points!

At this moment, Number One and Number Two, who were elusive, descended suddenly, and sent them away without saying anything to them!
(End of this chapter)

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