Chapter 531 The game is over (2)

Unlike the fainting feeling when entering the game, everything is fine after being teleported out this time.

outside royal secrets
The sun is extremely dazzling, and the white clouds in the blue sky are fragrant. The cotton candy in the children's hands.

There were cheers outside the stadium...

Even the many referees on the referee's bench couldn't help but look at them with admiration, with approving smiles on their faces.

As soon as Nalan Yue and his party came out, they couldn't help raising their hands to block the bright sun.

But they all had smiles on their faces!
But the strangest thing is that the point statistics machine came out with them, but no one has the time to worry about it now!

Aww, finally the game is over and the whole person is relaxed!
For them, they spent more than half a month in the secret realm, but in fact, it was only a few hours when converted to the time outside!

The elder in blue personally came over and brought the five of them to the stage, his face almost wrinkled from laughter.

You must know that the five of them are the only contestants who have cleared all levels!
In the future, they will all be admitted to Qinglong College, and at the same time they are also the glory of Huaguo!

How can it not be exciting!

"Congratulations on successfully passing the customs!"

Under the long blue sky, the voice of the elder in blue was transmitted very far, and everyone was extremely excited to hear it!
Nalan Yue and the others nodded coldly.

There was another burst of cheers from the audience——

"Wow, wow, Goddess Nalan really persisted until the end, oh my god, my heart can't take it anymore!"

"I'm so envious... so envious...they will all be members of Qinglong Academy by then!"

"Who would have thought that the biggest dark horse in the competition would be the old good-for-nothing Third Miss!"

"So, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor! It's much better than those so-called geniuses!"

"The so-called genius" naturally refers to Nalan Yu and Nalan Mo, the gifted siblings!

Oh, it's just that the reality shows that the self-proclaimed genius is nothing more than that!
At this time, the results of the contestants who participated in the third round of the competition were already displayed on the big screen!
You must know that the thirty contestants who participated in the third round are all eligible to be admitted to Qinglong Academy!

The only difference is that the top ten students can be admitted directly, while the middle ten students have to go through the consideration of the referees. As for the last ten students... Hehe, I'm sorry, I have to combine the written test and the results of the previous rounds in the comprehensive consider!

In other words, the possibility of the top [-] contestants being admitted is far greater than that of the bottom ten contestants!
Now let's look at the big screen --

No.1: Nalan Yue and Ye Jin scored 100 points!
No.2: Xiao Ziyu 99 points

No.3: Monroe 95 points

No.4: Fengchu 94 points

No.5: The Third Prince 90 points!
Of course, there are also the scores of Nalan Yu's brother and sister, all in single digits, adding up to less than ten points!

The same point is also the joke of the audience!

Everyone said that there was a peerless genius in the prime minister's mansion, but there were two more useless materials!
This day is naturally referring to Nalan Yue!
These two waste materials are naturally Nalanyu brother and sister!

At this moment, no one doubted whether Nalan Yue was cheating. Her intelligence and strength had already been clearly seen by them in the competition!

This is a world where martial arts are respected, and what everyone values ​​most is strength!
So Nalan Yue has now completely become famous in the first battle!

Become famous in World War I!
(End of this chapter)

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