Chapter 533 Big gift bag (1)

And it also clearly shows the number of points they have for each other!
It always feels like this points statistic instrument was left to them on purpose!
The national teacher led them all the way to the big screen before stopping, and the page of the big screen was switched immediately with a wave of his sleeve.

The original score ranking was replaced with a point redemption page.

There are more than a dozen treasures displayed on it, each kind of treasure corresponds to different points, the higher the ranking, the higher the points!

For example, the tenth place: Cherry Bomb, [-] million points!
Ninth place: Peashooter, [-] million

Eighth place: Potato mines, [-] million

Seventh place: Watermelon pitcher, [-] million


Third place: Sunflower, [-] million
Second place: Farm, [-] million

First place: big gift bag, one billion
The higher the ranking, the more points you need will add up to [-] million points!
In front, Master Guoshi started to turn around to look at them, his eyes were cold, "You guys did a good job at the Yuchao pass, you can exchange whatever you want on the screen!"

"Special explanation, the first big gift bag may contain a lot of things, but there may be nothing! So I hope you will think about it!"

Master Yuguan Guoshi stood on the side leisurely.

Nalanyue and the others glanced at each other before turning their attention to the big screen!

Nalan Yue slowly looked up from the last one, her eyes half-closed.

Sure enough, she guessed it right, and it would definitely be useful to get more points!

All these things she had seen in the level of "Plants vs. Zombies"!

She knows their power better than anyone else!

But what Nalan Yue is more interested in is the first "gift package"!
With the points in her hand, it can only be done once!
Feng Chu leaned over, smiling with crescent-shaped eyes, "Come on, tell me what you want to choose!"

Mon Luo was the first to answer him, "Cherry bomb, we have seen the power of this before!"

When he was in the underwater world before, Nalan Yue used cherry bombs.

Feng Chu glanced at the big screen, "I want to choose them all!"

Several people looked at him coldly at the same time, and the audience in the audience also looked at him silently.

Your sister, do you still want all of them?

Will it be too greedy!
"Yueyue, you haven't said which one you want to exchange for?" Feng Chu winked at Nalanyue, motioning for her to speak.

After all, she has one billion points, and she can choose to redeem anything on the big screen!

Nalanyue hesitated for a moment, glanced at Ye Jin before turning her gaze to Feng Chu, "I want to choose the first one!"

"The first one?" Feng Chu exclaimed, "Yueyue, don't be impulsive, haven't you heard what the national teacher said, who knows what's inside!"

Meng Luo also nodded in disapproval!

Nalan Yue smiled wryly, she was just talking about it, should they react so much!

"It's okay, Yue'er can choose whichever she wants!" Ye Jin looked at her dotingly from the side, "My points are yours too!"

Nalan Yue raised her lips and gave him a bright smile.

Since the male gods support her, why should she hesitate!

Thinking of this, Nalan Yue went straight to the big screen and exchanged one billion points for a "big gift package"!
Fengchu and the others were speechless for a moment, it was so capricious to be pampered!
When Nalan Yue had just completed the redemption, a change occurred on the screen, and a pattern resembling a gift box appeared on the screen instantly.

all of a sudden!

Brush brush!
All eyes are on the big screen!
(End of this chapter)

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