Chapter 534 Big gift bag (2)

They are all looking forward to what will appear in it. You must know that this is a billion points, what a prodigal!

The gift pattern that appeared on the big screen continued to scroll until it stopped!

The gift box has been opened - sorry, empty!

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, which meant that Nalan Yue's one billion points were in vain!
just this!
Standing in front of the screen, Nalan Yue couldn't help being stunned when she saw the result, shit, don't play with me like this!

"Take it!" Just as she was in a daze, Ye Jin directly gave her all the points in her hand.

Signal her to continue!

Nalan Yue's reaction was half a beat slow, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and shook his head at him, "No need."

She has already wasted a billion points, but at least it was her own, but she can't also waste his points!

"No!" The man's tone was very firm, and his phoenix eyes looked directly at her, "The Yue'er I know would not hesitate like this!"

Nalanyue's heart moved, she gritted her teeth and took the points, and directly exchanged them for a big gift bag.

The gift box pattern that appeared on the screen appeared again!
Nalan Yue wrung her hands, her white teeth slightly biting the tip of her tongue.

It doesn't matter if she dies or dies, she doesn't believe that she won't be able to draw anything this time!
The second time - still nothing!

One billion points are in vain again!

Everyone was shocked by her tyrant behavior!

Nalan Yue looked at the results on the screen, the corners of her mouth twitched, damn it, if she had enough points, she would blow the big screen to the brim!

And what system guru said to hug the thighs, is that how he hugs?

Directly cheated her of 20 billion points?

In the distance, Master Guoshi couldn't help wiping his sweat.

"Ye Jin, I..." Nalan Yue looked at Ye Jin with a wry smile, but the man took the lead first, "It's okay, it's just three things and you still have a chance!"

Nalan Yue 囧, this is the truth but she has no points!

At this moment, Feng Chu and Meng Luo said in unison, "Use our points!"

Nalan Yue quickly shook her head and waved her hands at them, "No, no, you should exchange for what you like."

This is a matter of principle and absolutely cannot be compromised!
Feng Chu frowned, and was about to hand him the points in his hand, "Yueyue, you don't treat us as friends anymore..."

"Exactly!" Meng Luo also gave her points!

Nalan Yue pursed her lips tightly, but still didn't answer.

At the same time, Ye Jin suddenly said something, which directly attracted everyone's attention.

"Xiao Ziyu, don't forget that you still owe me a condition!"

What?Nalan Yue and the others stared at each other in confusion, and suddenly thought of Ye Jin and Xiao Ziyu's bet, who would earn more points!

The result was Ye Jin's one billion points, and Xiao Ziyu's 9.9 million points!
So naturally Xiao Ziyu lost, and the loser must agree to deal with one thing!

Xiao Ziyu nodded, his gentle facial features glowed in the sun, "What conditions, you say."

Ye Jin raised the corners of her lips coldly, "Bring the points!"

It just so happens that he doesn't want to have anything to do with him, and it just so happens that it's all over now!
Originally, he didn't take this condition to heart, but now... the rival's points are not in vain, even in vain!
God Ye Nan, are you so bad for your Xiaoyueer?

The audience was silent for a while!

He looked at these two men with both eyes, especially at Xiao Ziyu, wondering if he would give it or not!

(End of this chapter)

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