Chapter 556 Ten Miles of Red Makeup (2)

Too rich to have wood!
The wives were about to praise her to the sky, and they all said that it was a blessing in several lifetimes for her to be so favored by King Jin!

Good luck?
For this, Lu'er can only sneer, her young lady is lucky to be bullied for more than ten years?Will it be treated as waste for ten years?
Now this is clearly the end of all hardships, the young lady is the life of the phoenix, so naturally this day will come!
It's not a blessing or not!
For example, no matter how lucky Nalan Yu is, now she has become a concubine, a concubine bestowed by the emperor himself!
Nalan Yue walked into the front hall calmly. In fact, she was still a little nervous. After all, it was the first time for a girl to receive a bride price!
And this is still in the ancient times when there are no acquaintances. It would be great if there was an old Er Qinger here... and a sister to talk to!
But no matter what, Nalan Yue bit the bullet and went!

At this time, there were more people in the already crowded front hall, and there was almost no place to stay. As soon as Nalan Yue walked in, countless pairs of eyes stared at her.

Ye Jin's eyes lit up, and she stared at her affectionately, "Yue'er..."

The voice flowed out like moonlight, looking at the girl in the red dress, I often saw her in the elegant blue dress, but now she was wearing the enchanting red dress.

Red is a difficult color to wear, but it is so beautiful on her body, with a soul-stirring beauty that makes people unable to look away.

Enchanting and elegant coexist, just like the brilliant light produced by the collision of sunlight and moonlight!
Nalan Yue raised her eyes just in time to bump into his affectionate eyes, and she was instantly immersed in them.

It's over, what should I do if I feel like my nosebleeds are about to gush out, oh shit!

Nalan Yue, you have to calm down, Ding Ding, you haven't seen any handsome guy from the 21st century!
But the eyes still stay on him tightly, he is also dressed in red, his handsome face is even more evil, it can almost suffocate people!

"Cough!" On the first place, the national teacher coughed lightly and interrupted their lingering gaze.

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and saw that the National Teacher was there, and Ye Jin even invited the National Teacher to be their wedding witness!
You must know how aloof and cold the Master National Teacher is, Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end, and now he condescends to accompany him to the appointment!

This is definitely a face-saving thing for the woman!
Ye Jin really has a heart!
Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue slightly, and gave him a knowing smile, she really saw this man right!

A conversation from a long time ago suddenly echoed in my heart——

"Ye Jin, since when did you like me?"

"I don't know where the love came from, but the love is deep!"

Perhaps it was really the first sight that they left a deep imprint on each other's hearts!

Ten miles of red makeup is still there, and the drums are beating!
For the first time, Nalan Yue felt that the world was so beautiful, just because of him!
I don't like this world but I like you!


The national teacher wore a dark red robe for the first time, and walked down from his seat lightly at this time, and the fairy aura could not help being tinged with a touch of enchantment.

He was talking in Nalanjue, "Today, the national teacher is their witness, and I hope they will stay together forever!"

Duosheng Mengbao... soy sauce!

Ye Jin and Nalan Yue: "..." Your child was specially born to make soy sauce!

On the other hand, Nalan Jue was flattered and responded repeatedly, "Of course...Of course!"

Ye Jin glared at the two of them, "It's up to you to say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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