Chapter 557 Ten Miles of Red Makeup (3)

National Teacher: "..."

Nalanjue: "..."

Ye Jin walked over to hold her hand, Jun's face returned to normal, he looked down at her delicate face, and swore word by word, "Yue'er, Ye Jin will only love you in this life, this life, and forever, marry You are alone, love forever as before, if you break this oath...the world will be destroyed, and you will not be able to improve your cultivation and immortality!"

What fell with his voice was an extremely dazzling golden light, and a watermark-like handwriting was displayed under his feet——the vow has been fulfilled!

This also means that if Ye Jin does not follow what the oath said in the future, then he will definitely be punished!
"Ye Jin..." Nalan Yue growled in a low voice, but she couldn't stop the words from slipping from the man's mouth.

Everyone present was shocked by his words and couldn't recover for a long time...

Just ask, in this world where the strong are respected, who wants to have only one woman in their life, let alone such an outstanding man like Ye Jin...

Moreover, the oath he swore was really too harsh, not to mention Heaven's Punishment and Die Mie, but just because he will not be able to improve his cultivation by half a point in this life, people will look at him differently!

"Ye Jin, you..." Nalan Yue bit her lower lip, her eyes as clear as moonlight were misty.

Looking at his extremely serious side face, Nalan Yue was speechless for the first time, and nothing she said could match the touch in her heart!

It's just that he doesn't have to do this. After all, falling in love is definitely risky. No one can guarantee that they will still love each other in a year, ten years, 20 years... or even longer!
What she wants is not the ending, but the process. If the process is beautiful, there will be no regrets even if she dies!
But this fool is so cruel to him, it's really annoying... terribly annoying!

The lips that were bitten tightly were almost red and bleeding, Ye Jin felt distressed when she saw it, and gently clamped her little chin to rescue the poor lips!

"You are stupid!" Nalan Yue immediately retorted with staring eyes!

Ye Jin curled her lips and responded, "Yes."

Anyway, no matter how stupid she is, she can't break free from him anymore!
Ye Jin responded so straightforwardly, Nalan Yue froze for a moment before recovering.

It seems that this man is really stupid!
Ye Jin——Hi You Are Illness, Medicine and Stone Have No Healer


When the two were in love, the three-kilowatt light bulb of the National Teacher came out again!
"It's time to discuss the wedding date!"

wedding?The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, she looked up at Ye Jin, and said to him in a low voice, "When do you want to!"


The man nodded in answer.

Not only today, he wished he could do it right now!

Nalan Yue stared slightly, "Speak seriously!"

Who wants to get married in troubled times?

"Mine is indeed serious!" Ye Jin raised her chin innocently, smiling enchantingly with her phoenix eyes, looking at the little girl's puffy cheeks with pampering from the bottom of her heart, "Okay, after you graduate from the academy we will How about getting married again?"

She is really too young, not to mention that there are too many secrets hidden in her body, and there are so many dangers around her...

Nalan Yue agreed immediately, "Okay!"

This period of time is enough for her to grow and have the ability to solve all problems!

Excited, she completely forgot why Ye Jin said, "Wait until you graduate from the academy"!
Obviously they are going to the academy together...

(End of this chapter)

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