Chapter 567 Nalanmo's Fate (3)

Nalan Yue: "..."

Ye Jin: "..."

A black line of tree roots was drawn on his forehead, and Nalan Yue was silent for a few seconds before speaking, "I'm talking about a man~ a duck! Commonly known as, Xiaowan... remember it's best to be the top one!"

Then he threw a heavy gold coin to him, and raised his hand to let him do it quickly!

The scar face took the gold coin, and the smile on his face almost turned into a pig's liver, so it turned out that it was a man!prostitute!

He is so stupid to say roast duck, roast duck, boiled duck...

The embarrassing scar face ran towards a flower house at the fastest speed in his life... to find the duck!

Bah bah, I'm helping Nalanmo find ducks!
In the same place, Ye Jin squinted at Nalan Yue with a smile, "Yue'er, you know quite a lot!"

Nalanyue laughed dryly, admitted it generously, and lifted a certain master's chin, "Hmm, this girl knows a lot of poses!"

Ye Jin also raised his hand to lift her small chin, the soft touch made him feel distracted.

"How about teaching the godfather tonight?"

Nalan Yue's face turned red immediately, and she retracted her fingers like an electric shock, woo woo da, I wanted to flirt!

It's a pity that the flirting skills are not familiar enough!

Back to being teased...

Ye Jin approached her more and more, and exhaled warm breath in her ear, "The godfather who demonstrated in person, huh?"

Every time his final note rises, Nalan Yue feels that there is a special magic power in it!
It made her whole body go limp... she couldn't move!

"Hey, come on, I'm kidding!" Under the bright moonlight, Nalan Yue's side face was as clean as a bamboo shoot just sprouting, fresh and bright without any makeup.

She smiled dryly at this time, with some bad premonition in her heart.

"I'm not joking with you anymore!"

But the man did get closer and closer, and the mint fragrance lingered on her nostrils, which made her swallow her saliva.

"This... um..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the little tongue was wrapped tightly by a domineering man, and the temperature rose extremely quickly.

Mingyue couldn't help but hide in the clouds, not daring to watch the shameful scene anymore.

At this time, the men and women who are deeply in love seem to have forgotten what their purpose is this time!


Scarface's unsightly voice sounded, "Master, I have...uh, I didn't see anything. You continue...hey, continue!"

He hurriedly pulled the two coquettishly dressed men in his hands and turned around, his scar-faced face collapsed immediately.

I'll go and see, will he be silenced by King Jin?

Here, Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes, her cheeks were as red as peach blossoms, and she pushed the man in front of her hard.

Damn it, I was actually seen by someone...

I have the heart to want to die!
But the man had a cheap smile on his face, like a sneaky cat, but when he turned to look at Scarface, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The damn thing came here at this time, whether it came sooner or later!
Scarface turned around bravely, and just as he was about to say something, the two ducks he had shot rushed forward one after another impatiently.

One of the soft men said, "Wow Kaka, I wonder who of the two needs the servant's service today?"

Looking at them with obsessive eyes, today is really profitable, not only so many gold coins, but also such a charming two people!
It's really no regrets!

As he said that, he raised both hands and waved one hand to feel like Ye Jin and Nalan Yue.

The strong smell of fragrant powder that emanated from the body almost made the two of them vomit.

I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore! !

(End of this chapter)

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