Chapter 568 Nalanmo's Fate (4)

The stones and silver needles hit the duck's hands in an instant, and he screamed out of the pain.

The stone was sent by Ye Jin, and the silver needle was naturally sent by Nalan Yue!

Ye Jin said coldly, "If you dare to touch the script king, you will be killed!"

At any other time, he would have killed this duck a hundred times!
The soft duck trembled, fixed its eyes and saw clearly that it was King Jin and his concubine Nalan Yue, it immediately fell silent and dared not speak anymore!
I just looked at them suspiciously, not understanding why they still came to look for ducks!
Could it be... Wow, it won't be so heavy!

The burly duck next to him didn't dare to speak, and stared at them meaningfully with its beautiful eyes.

Nalanyue was shocked immediately!
He said coldly, "I don't want the eyeballs anymore!"

The two ducks immediately looked away, and began to pretend to be deaf and dumb, talking nonsense about the No. 1 in the Imperial City Competition, Princess Jin, the future pillar of Huaguo...

Who dares to mess with it!
However, you came here to teach them a lesson?
The two ducks want to cry but have no tears. They deeply feel that even being a duck is not easy in this world!
Finally, Scarface glanced at the two ducks sympathetically, then pointed to Nalanmo on the ground, "This one belongs to you!"

The eyes of the two ducks fell on the man lying on the ground. Seeing his normal face, they couldn't help but sighed deeply.

In fact, Nalan Mo is not very ugly, but in comparison with Ye Jin and the others, he naturally looks ugly!

There is no way, all the good-looking men these days are abducted by women, and the remaining disabled men or men who are not men belong to them!

Just close your eyes and eat it!
The two duck men approached him in pain, ready to start stripping off his clothes...

"Wait." Nalan Yue looked up at them, and directly put a pill into each of their mouths.

"Cough cough..."

The pill melted in the mouth, and the two ducks had no choice but to spit it out. They glared at her sadly, and the vision of the two men suddenly became blurred.


"'s so hot..."

The two ducks began to hug each other and love each other!

Nalan Yue kicked Nalan Mo on the ground, and immediately he bounced off the ground like a football.

"Whoosh—" it hit the two ducks.

The three people on fire are about to start a big fight!

This scene is really dirty...

There was a mischievous smile on the corner of Nalan Yue's mouth, just like a child playing a prank!

Ye Jin raised his hand to block her, stopped her waist and was about to leave, coldly facing the scarred face below.

"Do it clean!"

"Destroy him first!" Nalan Yue raised her chin slightly, pointing at Nalan Mo.

Ye Jin squinted at the girl in his arms, then nodded in understanding, and shot a silver light with his fingers at will.

Immediately, Nalan Mo's dantian was destroyed, his cultivation in this life was exhausted and he would never be able to practice again!
With his cultivation base abolished, he seemed to be sandwiched between two men, like a little~shou!
Nalan Yue sneered coldly at this, she has always been like this, being cruel to others is even more cruel to herself!
Nalanmo provoked her, did he really think that this would be enough to offset it?
Oh... dreaming!
Looking at the peerless backs of the two, Scarface was stunned in place.

Everyone said that King Jin was ruthless, vicious, hot, and a tyrant king, but who knew that the women around him were the most ruthless and bloodthirsty!
Ye Jin and Nalan Yue went straight back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and began to sleep beautifully...

(End of this chapter)

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