Chapter 569 Nalanmo's Fate (5)

The moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, which is a good time to kill people, set fires and rob houses. No one thought that Nalanmo, the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion, would be ruined tomorrow...

like his sister...

The second day came quickly, and when I hurried past the arena in the morning, I saw a scene of a man and a man...

He was stunned for a few seconds and then he yelled loudly, "Oh my god, it's offensive..."

A huge roar resounded throughout the ten mile shop!
A lot of people gathered here, and just like this, they spread the word...everyone knows what happened in the end!
And the three men inside didn't feel at all that they were being watched by the monkeys in the zoo.

I have been exercising crazily all the time, and the speed is absolutely beyond the reach of human beings, it's like... If you don't do it fine~ you can't give up if you are busy!

Of course it was due to the pills Nalan Yue gave them last night!

Last time the news of Da Furen's foolishness was only spread throughout the Prime Minister's residence, but this time Nalan Mo's scandal caused almost everyone in the Hua Kingdom to know about it!

From the common people to the princes and officials...

Nalanmo, the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion, actually committed adultery with a man, polluting such a noble place as the Royal Tournament Arena!
The crowd suddenly boiled, like a lobster thrown into boiling hot water.

Everyone gathered around the outside of the royal tournament arena, raising their fists in protest and showing contempt on their faces, wishing to remove the guardrail outside the arena and beat up the few people inside!
How annoying!

Normally, they wouldn't dare to yell at the sidelines of the competition, but now that something like this happened, everyone wouldn't be able to shut it down so much!

Until... a person in the crowd immediately saw that this was the top signature duck in a flower building!
"Damn, Zuihualou's signature duck..."

"There are only three in this game, the tone is really serious!"

"Haha... You see, the young master of the Xiangfu who usually looks at people with his nostrils is being ridden by someone else!"

"It's just a little bit of life... I really can't imagine that this young master has such a strong taste!"

"Isn't it..."

The sound of ridicule, ridicule and nausea from the crowd fell rumbling like thunder.

But the three men inside were still indifferent, as if they couldn't hear what was going on outside at all!
In the end, the public's dissatisfaction and gossip attracted the Imperial City Guard and Prime Minister Nalan Jue!

When he saw his own son being sandwiched between two men, his vision went dark and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of evil did this do!

How could such a thing happen!

"Niezi! Niezi! Niezi!" Nalan was really angry, his face turned black, and his thick eyebrows were tightly frowned like a rope tied in a knot!
"Slap!" A slap on Nalanmo's body without reservation, pulling him away like a dead fish.

Quickly stuff it into the sedan chair and order people to carry it back immediately.


What a shame!
Nalan is deeply powerless. I can't say that I have lived for most of my life without any setbacks, but generally speaking, it is still prosperous. Any official who sees him can't help but respectfully salute him, even if they have it in their hearts. Not happy anymore!
But now...

Everyone laughed at his prostitute for becoming a concubine, the eldest lady killed his son, and now... his only remaining son has also been destroyed!

God is going to kill me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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