Chapter 575 The beaten Nalanmo (2)

Nalan Mo said everything sonorously and forcefully, as if every word was true!
The people around are all humble servants, and now that their young master is like this, they are naturally more inclined to his side.

Nalan Yue ignored the pointing and pointing of the people around her, her back was straight and she was smiling.

It was the kind of warm smile that made people shiver deeply.

Gratitude as heavy as a mountain?

Heh... how ridiculous!
"Tell me how much favor the Prime Minister's Mansion has given to this princess!" Nalan Yue didn't mind using this name to suppress him at this time.

This uncle emperor is still useful, at least the princess can use it at this time!
"You..." Nalanmo was at a loss for words, opened his mouth several times but failed to utter a word, because he couldn't find any kindness towards Nalanyue from Xiangfu!

As long as I can remember, Nalan Yue has been the target of everyone's bullying. She is an autistic girl who eats leftovers and dirty water.

Who will care about her at that time!
Nalan Jue, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment, and it was considered a relief for him, "I just ask you if you did this!"

Nalanmo immediately bit his teeth, "Father, it's her!"

"Shut up, I didn't ask you!" Nalan Jue turned his head and scolded him coldly, then looked at Nalan Yue again.

Looks like he's about to ask for an answer!
Nalanmo was immediately dumbfounded by his yelling, and he didn't dare to speak anymore, but those sinister eyes kept shooting at Nalanyue.

Now his little chrysanthemum still hurts...

Nalan Yue looked at him fearlessly, her eyes were as clear as a pool of lake water, "Yes."

Only one shows that Le was indeed made by her.

Here, Nalan Mo showed a stern look, but Nalan Jue's body swayed, as if he had been hit.

He asked, "Why on earth is this!"

There must be a reason for everything!
For a moment, if Li Ruo also looked at her, it seemed that he was also waiting for her next words.

Nalan Yue's eyes fell on the two of them, and finally she glanced at Nalan Mo again, and said with a sneer, "Why don't you only allow him to do this and not allow me to use my tricks?"

As soon as the words fell, it was Nalan Mo who reacted the most, his body was almost shaking like a sieve!
Even now, he didn't even dare to look at anyone on the field.

Cursing secretly in his heart, he couldn't figure out why Nalan Yue knew about his plan to pay for murder!

how could be!

Because Nalan Jue turned his back to him, he didn't see his reaction clearly at this time, but asked Nalan Yue in disbelief, "What do you mean!"

Nalan Yuefeng played with her fingers calmly, "literally."

Nalan Jue was still in disbelief, he took two steps back again and again, just touching the edge of the bed, his black and purple face turned darker in an instant, and he turned his head suddenly——

"Nie Zi! What did you do to her!"

Nalanjue roared angrily, and lifted him off the bed.

Nalanmo, who had already become a waste, was held in his hand like a little chicken, his face was full of panic.

"Father is not like listen to my explanation...she is lying..."

Nalan gave him a disappointed expression, mentioned him and slammed him against the wall!

Suddenly Nalanmo was like a mosquito being slapped to death on the wall, pitiful and hateful.

It really deserves it!

Nalan Yue cast a contemptuous glance at him, then took out a piece of paper from the space bracelet, and shook it between her fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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