Chapter 576: The Beaten Nalanmo
"Nalanmo, this is the evidence that you paid for murder!"

Nalan Mo, who was spitting blood on the wall, suddenly protruded another mouthful of blood, his face was ashen, and he roared in disbelief, "How could you have could you have..."

When he said that, he unconsciously admitted it!
It's a pity that Nalan Yue will never answer his question!
Throwing this note in front of them, Nalan Yue left without any emotion.

The reason why she explained so much was not because of Nalan Jue but because of Li Yaoshi.

She didn't want the only old man who was kind to her to misunderstand her.

That's it!

But if he can't understand, then she won't blame her, after all, some roads must be walked by oneself!
Later, Nalan desperately took this contract of buying murder and killing someone, unable to recover for a long time.

He could hardly believe his eyes, let alone the fact that the heart of his son whom he had raised for more than ten years could be so dark.

On the side, Li Yaoshi snatched the note, quickly glanced at it, and the anger value increased by one point every time he read a word.

In the end, the vigorous and resolute old man couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped him several times.

After all, Pharmacist Li is a medical student and a senior pharmacist, so he is naturally very clear about the structure of the human body.

So Nalanmo was in pain every time he hit him, but he couldn't cry out.

This is really a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis, he can't tell the pain!

"Damn things..."

The old man's face turned red with anger, and he slapped him a few times before putting down his palm, then he remembered something and ran out quickly.

Li Yaoshi ran out to chase Nalan Yue, because he didn't want the girl to misunderstand him.

Nalan Yue said that she would not mind, and Li Yaoshi repeatedly praised, "Good boy, good boy..."



lotus garden
There are still ten days before going to Qinglong Academy, and she has done a lot of things in these ten days...

For example, training, refining medicine and sending it to the auction, and practicing the Moon Alchemy Art with Ye Jin.

Spatial skills are really difficult. Even Nalan Yue, who is against the sky, has not yet practiced to the second level.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed, take your time.

The small dagger was forged by Ye Jin, a craftsman.

Time flies like a river of spring water, gone forever, and today is the last day in a blink of an eye.

Nalan Yue will embark on a new journey tomorrow!
The sun was shining exceptionally brightly, and the warm wind was blowing on her face. Ye Jin and her friends came to her to go shopping, and they nicknamed her: Prepare for the life ahead!

It seems that they can't get out after going to Qinglong Academy!
In fact, this is not the case. The management of Qinglong Academy is very liberalized, but when the time comes, everyone will focus on cultivation and will not have much time to eat, drink and have fun.

The few people who made up their minds went out in a mighty way. They said they were shopping, but the few people ate in the restaurant and didn't go out lazily until they finished eating.

Clothing shop, medicine shop, weapon shop...

One store after another was raided, and the formation almost scared everyone to death.

There is no way, after all, they are local tyrants!
Until... when Fengchu and the others saw Ye Jin put his own little pink dragon into the space... everyone thought they were delusional!

"Yejiu, you're not afraid that your beast pet will be suffocated to death!"

Feng Chu's shocking roar attracted everyone's attention, that's right, living animals are not allowed in space objects, even his own contracted beasts are not allowed!

(End of this chapter)

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