Chapter 577 Friends Are Used To Hurt

How could this black-bellied Ye Jin make such a mistake, so... there must be something wrong!

After seeing that Xiaofenlong hadn't come out for so long, they all understood a fact - Ye Jin's space object can really hold living things!

Fengchu suddenly smiled, and the smile was obviously flattering, "Yejiu, have good things to share with your friends, right?"

"I thought friends were for harm!" Ye Jin glanced at him lightly.

Pfft... A few people couldn't help laughing.

Feng Chu's face collapsed, and he looked at him sadly like a little daughter-in-law, "Please, share it!"

He has elevated Ye Jin's image to that of a heartless man!
Ye Jin felt a chill towards him, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Nalan Yue lightly, with a feeling of questioning.

Nalan Yue nodded to him, if it was just a space skill, she would be willing to share it with them!

But what was more shocking was that Ye Jin had already refined the life space of the first floor. On the other hand, she was only halfway through the cultivation. The foundation is laid firmly so that you can practice the next two layers later.

It's just that the two layers behind Ye Jin can't practice anymore.

Because the important part of the Moon Alchemy Jue can only be cultivated by her host, and it is not allowed for other people!

When Ye Jin glanced at Nalan Yue from the corner of his eye, these thieves' friends immediately understood - it turns out that the biggest boss is Yueyue Xiaogongju!

Aww, I hugged the wrong thigh just now!
Immediately, several people headed by Feng Chu immediately came to Nalan Yue, looking at Nalan Yue with bright eyes.

"Yueyue...begging on my knees!"

"Yueyue, good things have to be shared!"

Even Bei Li'er couldn't help making a cute gesture, "Sister Yueyue, you see that the Lun family is so cute, so you just follow her..."

As soon as these words came out, the face of a certain big vinegar vat prince immediately turned black as carbon!

Nalan Yue couldn't help but shook her head speechlessly at the few people.

But I still took off the formula on the Alchemy Moon Jue--the formula of life space of space skills, and told them.

Because the words on the Alchemy Moon Jue are all written in ancient times, she specially translated them into the common language of the mainland.

Several people who got the formula thanked her one after another, showing rows of white teeth.

"Wow Kaka, Yue'er is the best..."

"That's right!"

"Miss Yueyue!"

Looking at the ecstasy of the few people, Nalan Yue once again raised his forehead and poured cold water on them, "Don't be too happy, you may not be able to cultivate successfully!"

You must know that this is the Moon Alchemy Jue, an ancient secret technique, and it would take a lot of effort for anyone other than the host to practice it!
Several people nodded heavily, expressing that they would work hard.

"But Yueyue, where did you come from?" Feng Chu asked curiously, thinking back to the strings of jerky and difficult words she had read before.

It just looks extraordinary!

Nalan Yue hooked her lips and showed a smile like Marisa without explaining, maintaining a mysterious tone.



Back at the Prime Minister's Mansion, Nalan Yue was walking towards her yard when the five old men who had been silent for a long time in the space bracelet suddenly spoke——

"Aren't you afraid that they will leak their skills?"

If the world knows that there is such a heaven-defying secret technique, then what awaits her will be a bloodbath!
 The author said - oh, it's so tiring to choose the title...

(End of this chapter)

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