Chapter 578 Instructing Auntie (1)

Nalan Yue's footsteps stopped, she looked up and looked far away, there was no trace of worry in her eyes, only belief.

"They won't!"

Compared to Nalan Yue's trust, the unknown old man sighed and shook his head, "People's hearts are separated by belly..."

"Grandpa Unnamed, you are right, but we live in this world, if we don't even have a friend we can trust...that would be very sad!"

Nalan Yue said softly, although the words were light, the weight was heavy.

She had experienced being betrayed by a friend who was as close as her sister, but it didn't mean that she had to lock her heart tightly and reject everyone.

If that's the case, she won't be worth it for herself, because that bitch doesn't even deserve to hurt her heart!

"I hope you are doing the right thing..." The nameless old man's voice gradually became ethereal, probably because his spiritual power was exhausted again, but the exclamation in his tone lingered for a long time.

Back then, she was like this...

Too much love and righteousness...

Nalan Yue firmly clenched her fists, she had already wiped her eyes wide open once she lived again, and she would never repeat the same mistakes again.

In the evening, after the afterglow lightly scattered all over the ground, Nalan Yue was continuing to practice space skills in the room - life space!
"Dong dong dong—" There was a knock on the door outside.

Nalan Yue had no choice but to come out of the practice, her face was a little condensed, wondering who the hell came to disturb her practice.

"Who!" Opening the door, Nalan Yue said coldly.

The moment he opened the door, he saw Aunt Liu and Lu'er who couldn't stop behind.

"Small, Miss..." Lu'er lowered her head like a child who did something wrong.

Nalan Yue glanced at her and then put her gaze on Aunt Liu's face, "What's the matter?"

Although she has temporarily become an ally with Aunt Liu, it doesn't mean she really likes them.

Aunt Liu naturally thought of it, and smiled wryly, "The princess has time, I have something to say!"

Nalan Yue frowned, presumably what she was talking about was about the death of Third Auntie.

"Go to the gazebo!"

Although she already knew the truth, she was curious about what Aunt Liu was up to today.

Aunt Liu immediately responded happily.


Nalan Yue was sipping her tea, but Aunt Liu sitting across from her felt a little uneasy.

He opened his mouth several times to speak, but he couldn't utter a word.

There is no way, Nalan Yue's aura is too great, she wants to say it but always feels a little uneasy.

"Are you here to waste my time?"

Nalan Yue put down her teacup and looked directly at her with clear eyes.

"'s not." Aunt Liu stammered, and finally made up her mind to tell everything.

Undoubtedly, it was about the cause of Third Auntie's death, she was poisoned to death by the eldest lady on the day of delivery, but the poison was colorless and tasteless and it happened that Pharmacist Li was in retreat, so no one found out that she was poisoned to death at all.

This also caused everyone to think that she died of dystocia, and Nalan absolutely didn't have any love for her, so she was buried casually in the end, and no one cared about this poor woman.

"What's your purpose?" Nalan Yue didn't want to continue listening and interrupted her directly.

Although this poor woman ended up like this because of herself, but in the end it was the fault of Nalan Jue and the eldest lady!

If Nalan never stole her away, if Da Furen hadn't been jealous...all this would never have happened!

She will sympathize, but won't hold her grudges all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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