Chapter 583 Heading to Qinglong Academy (3)


The man snorted from his throat.

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, felt his pulse with her fingers, the cool skin on the man's wrist felt like white jade.

Thinking of the last time in the underwater world, and the time when Lan Xin'er sent the man in black to kill her... He almost went mad!

Thinking about it now makes her extremely frightened, and she must find a way to cure it.

His pulse was strong and strong, and he was not at all like someone with any medical history.

So how can you occasionally fall into a state of obsession?
He used to say it was natural, but she didn't think it was like it!
"What's wrong?" The man asked again, staring at her suspiciously, not understanding her actions.

Nalan Yue shook her head, just as she was about to withdraw her hand, the man held it backwards.

Raising her eyes to meet his shining phoenix eyes, Nalan Yue moved her lips, but still said, "Why do you sometimes go crazy?"

"Don't be born with me anymore!" She blinked and added.

"It's really born!" Ye Jin raised his chin innocently, a trace of helplessness flashed across his brows and eyes.

Nalan Yue frowned, and stared at him closely, not letting go of the expression on his face.

But besides the serious expression on the man's face, there is a serious expression!

Aww, it turns out that some people are born with evil spirits!

"You can directly say in the future, don't get close to me, I have evil spirit!"

Nalanyue teased a few words, and then she laughed first, her crooked eyebrows looked like a crescent moon in the sky.

Ye Jin also raised the corners of her lips, and laughed with her.

Laughing, but Nalan Yue is still very worried about him, you think this is a time bomb, and it is still a bomb that you don't know when it is set, maybe it will explode when it explodes!
Being obsessed is no joke!

The man raised his hand to smooth the frown between her brows, lowered his eyebrows and said lightly, "It's fine, as long as you don't get impulsive."

And the only person he will be impulsive about is her, and it will only be her!
So as long as she is good, he will be good too!

For a moment, Nalan Yue quietly clasped his fingers tightly, and the warmth flowed into his heart.

Nalan Yue secretly made up her mind in her heart that she must become an official pharmacist on the mainland, so as to cure Ye Jin's "evil spirit"!

Then he asked about the general situation when his evil spirit broke out, and Nalan Yue not only remembered it in his heart, but also wrote it down with pen and paper.

He will definitely save the male god from the evil spirit... But what Nalan Yue doesn't know now is that the person who saves him really must be her!
And at that time, she was full of tears... because, because... (more on that later!)



After remembering it well, Nalan Yue put the exquisite little book by the head of the space bed.

The man suddenly said, "Yue'er, how is your life space cultivation going?"

"It's almost there!"

Nalan Yue returned to him, and now she is also looking for time to prepare for the second floor, but there are too many things recently.

"Hey, Ye Jiu, you don't care about my brothers!" Feng Chu heard the two people's speech, angrily closed the curtain, and made a face at them.

Fuck, alas, this world can't stay here. The two next to him have been showing their affection, so he can only quietly listen to Nalan Yue's corner!
"No morals!" Nalan Yue whispered.

Feng Chu bowed his head very hurt, but his healing system was already very strong, and he suddenly became laughing and joking.

 The author said: ——Thank you Yingyu for the reward, (the symbol in the middle can’t be typed, don’t mind~) What~
(End of this chapter)

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