Chapter 584 Entering Space (1)

She raised her chin towards Nalan Yue, "Yue Yue, this young master has already practiced to 20.00%!"

"20.00% one!"

"Uh, one percent..."

The last one to speak was Lizi, she bowed her head in embarrassment.

Meng Luo patted her little head lightly as if coaxing a child, "It's okay, just wait until we both cultivate!"

Bei Lier blinked her big eyes, "What is double cultivation...?"

Facing the girl's big twinkling eyes, Meng Luo felt that he was evil for the first time, especially when the girl was a little loli.


Immediately, Feng Chu laughed. As a single Wang who has been hit all the way, seeing couples having sex is the happiest thing!
Everyone "..." What kind of evil is this!

Xiao Chuchu, don't be so jealous!

"It's not bad, let's continue to practice!" Nalan Yue curled her lips, comforted them first, and then fell on Meng Luo's face, "Actually, you can really consider dual cultivation..."

That effect must be pretty good!
Meng Luo's gentle face turned red all of a sudden, like a boiled lobster, and he quickly pulled Li Zi out of the carriage.

This self and being told by others... that feeling is different!

But this little girl, Bei Lier, has been struggling with "double cultivation", "What exactly is double cultivation... Shuang is two people, and cultivation is cultivation. Oh, is it two people's cultivation face to face?"

Everyone was in chaos in a gust of wind!
Meng Luo was about to cover his face, and quickly pulled the curtain on the carriage to avoid any meaningful gaze from Nalan Yue.

Bei Lier's doubtful voice could still be heard through a curtain, "Isn't it so difficult...then I'll explain it again!"


Everyone wipes sweat again!

Inside the carriage, Ye Jin stared coldly at Feng Chu who was still inside, his eyes turned cold, like the north wind whistling.

Feng Chu swallowed immediately, laughed dryly and directly exited the carriage.

Mamaacridine, what kind of evildoers he befriends!

Nalan Yue couldn't help but sniggered seeing Feng Chu's deflated appearance.

The man caught her by surprise and stopped her small waist, the soft touch made his heart surge.


"I think we are also suitable for double cultivation..."

The man said with a low smile, his big hand restlessly pressed her cock to the base of her leg.

A blush flashed across the surface of Nalan's moon, his eyelids were slightly drooping, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the clear eyeballs below were like a bright moon.

"Stop messing around, I'll take you into the space bracelet to play!"

Nalanyue took his hand, raised her eyes and said something, she doesn't want to be fucked by him here!
You have to know how many brats there are outside!

Of course, she wanted to share the space bracelet with him a long time ago, because she couldn't get in before, and now of course she wants to show him.

But what about her modern things...

Suddenly, Nalan Yue frowned, and just about to stop her, the man's voice quickly dropped, "Okay!"

"The space of the phoenix bracelet is once in ten thousand years!" After the man finished speaking, he added a sentence, and the dark purple flashed a hint of exclamation.

The phoenix bracelet is an ancient artifact, belonging to the goddess...

Nalan Yue immediately retracted the rejection she was about to blurt out, and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

Anyway, he will know about modern things sooner or later, so why should he refuse the 300 taels of silver here!
I just wanted to use my mind to bring the man into the space...

(End of this chapter)

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