Chapter 603 Crystal Ball Test (6)

Nalan Yue gently pulled the corner of her lips at him, and then, under the gaze of countless people, put her finger on the crystal ball again to conduct the final test.

Her spiritual energy has been consumed almost before, if there is no change this time...

maybe just...

Just when Nalan Yue was still sighing with tears streaming down her face, there were bursts of inhaling sounds in the air——

It was like being surprised by the discovery of a flying saucer!
Nalan Yue glanced at the people around suspiciously, and saw that they were all staring at her with wide eyes, to be more precise, they were looking at her hand!
Nalan Yue lowered her eyebrows and saw her clean and white hands resting on the crystal ball. There was nothing wrong with her hands, but!
but!The point is not in her hands!
It was the crystal ball under her hand—the originally transparent crystal ball, which was shining brightly at this moment.

Nalan Yue's pupils also shrunk at this moment, can she finally test her attributes?

The colorful rays of light in the crystal ball are like a rainbow after the rain. When they merge together, they look extremely beautiful. The crystal ball suddenly becomes a rainbow ball!
But the good times didn't last long, the crystal ball that was shining like a rainbow just now—

Only heard-"Bang!"
Like the sound of some kind of inflatable bag being crushed, the crystal ball instantly became extremely dark.

It's as if someone poured ink into it.

And Nalan Yue is not well at this time, her aura that was already almost consumed by the crystal ball was swallowed up by this dark crystal ball crazily.

The aura is almost sucked up by it!

Nalan Yue's lips were already pale, and she realized something was wrong and wanted to withdraw her hand, but her hand seemed to be stuck with super glue, and she couldn't get it off the crystal ball no matter what!
The blackened crystal ball was still crazily absorbing Nalan Yue's aura, but nothing changed on the surface, so that no one had time to react to what happened to her!

But Ye Jin saw her predicament at a glance, and immediately stepped forward to send the spiritual energy to her, but...

As soon as his palms were placed on her shoulders, Ye Jin immediately felt a huge force sucking his aura.

It's getting crazier...

"Go away!" Nalan Yue growled at him, beads of sweat were already dripping from his forehead.

Ye Jin shook her head slightly, her eyes half-closed, "It's useless."

Because his hand was also sucked to it, even he couldn't break free.

He looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help falling into deep thought. She was really mysterious!

Ordinary people, who would test the crystal ball into black, and be sucked by the crystal ball itself!
At the same time, when Ye Jin stepped forward, Feng Chu and Meng Luo Lizi also walked over.

"Don't come over!" Ye Jin narrowed her eyes and spoke seriously.

It's a pity that it was already a step too late. A second ago, Feng Chu and the others had already approached the two of them, and they were also tightly attracted together by the aura emanating from the crystal ball.

"Damn it!" Feng Chu exclaimed, but the aura in his body had already flowed out uncontrollably.

The same goes for Meng Luo and Bei Li'er!
Seeing that they were all like this, Xiao Ziyu's gentle eyes also showed doubts in the back, but he had already walked to their side quickly.

I also put my hands on it, but it was also sucked up.

Ye Jin immediately raised the corners of her lips in glee, and glanced at him like an idiot.

Xiao Ziyu looked back fearlessly, he was neither stupid nor idiot, he just wanted to bear it with her!
It's a pity that Xiao Ziyu didn't know that Ye Jin was enough for her!
This time, even if they didn't take the initiative to deliver the aura crystal ball, they took the initiative to absorb their aura.

Nalan Yue and the others couldn't move at once!

It's like being stuck!

(End of this chapter)

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