Chapter 604 Master!Master! (1)

One after another, it was as if Nalan Yue was a huge magnetic field, and the people behind her seemed to be attracted by the magnetic field!

Their faces turned pale under the scorching sun, and their aura was almost exhausted!
Now, everyone can find out that something big happened!

"What's wrong with them, are they playing with one, two, three wooden figures?"

Nalan Yue and the others wiped away their sweat!How bored they must be to play this game!
"Don't talk nonsense, they seem to be stuck by the crystal ball!"

"It's not like it looks like, it's definitely!"

"Damn, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and save someone..."

Someone wanted to come forward to save them, but in the end, like Feng Chu and the others, they were all sucked by the crystal ball!

The tall female tutor saw that something was wrong, and immediately controlled the scene, "Students, don't approach them any more, please stand where you are, the two of you go and invite the Great Elder here."

The female tutor pointed to the two senior seniors beside her, and signaled them to hurry up and call for help!

The two students knew that this was not a fun time, so they immediately ran to find someone to rescue them!
After they left, the tutor for high-heeled children naturally couldn't leave the students who were attracted by the crystal ball alone, and stepped forward on her high-heeled shoes.

She wanted to move the crystal ball, but unexpectedly, even she herself was attracted by the crystal ball.

"Are you attracted too?" Several instructors beside him asked in unison.

The female tutor nodded helplessly, but her eyes fell on Nalan Yue's face, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

This girl is undoubtedly stunning, but what makes her even more curious is how did she manage to turn the crystal ball black, and then get sucked in again!

Being stared at by her, Nalan Yue couldn't help but feel a little guilty, so why should she ask her to pay for the crystal ball?
It is said that Qinglong College's crystal ball has a history of tens of thousands of years, and now she has hacked it, oh, it's not all because of whether the net worth is enough to pay for it!

If the female tutor knew what was going on in her heart at this time, she would probably spit out old blood.

When everyone is concerned about whether they can break free from the crystal ball, they are still thinking about this kind of problem!

Seeing that the aura of the crowd is getting less and less, and a few students in the back also collapsed because of the exhaustion of aura...

Everyone is extremely anxious!
The scene also became chaotic, and everyone looked at the door anxiously, hoping that the Great Elder would appear quickly.

But time passed by, and still no one came. After all, Qinglong Academy occupies a large area, and the elders usually come and go without a trace!

The sun was like a fire, baking the ant-like people on the ground, and everyone's heads could not help but sweat.

At this time, some practitioners of the wind system brought a gust of cool wind to everyone, and everyone looked worriedly at the few of them who were sucked by the crystal ball.

But Lan Xuan was the only one who looked on coldly, as if he had no blood, "It deserves it!"

I thought that everyone would be liberated by being sucked dry by the crystal ball, but miracles often appeared in the next second——

I don't know why, but the campus gate, which seemed like hundreds of ducks had been released, suddenly became quiet.

It's so quiet that you can even hear each other's breathing and heartbeat!

That's right, it's so quiet!
eerie... silent...

It's like a stuck TV series, like a room that's been cut off suddenly!

Brush brush!
(End of this chapter)

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