Chapter 605 Master!Master! (2)

At this moment, everyone looked at the figure not far away at the same time. Everyone held their breath and did not dare to breathe out, for fear of disturbing this person.

There is a kind of admiration and respect in the eyes, no matter men or women, even a few mentors have the same expression.

Nalan Yue suddenly became interested, who on earth has such a great charm!
She also looked in that direction——

The man was half hidden in the light, walking slowly, like wind, like leaves, like water...

With just one glance, Nalan Yue froze in place immediately before seeing the man's face clearly.

Then I couldn't take my eyes off him no matter what!

That man was a young man, with a slender body half-hidden in the light, walking towards the crowd, his brows were as black as ink, and his eyes were as cold as the snowy water of Tianshan Mountain.

Look down!


It seems that everything in this world cannot enter his eyes, without any vulgarity.

He was dressed in a plain silver robe, with tight black flowers tattooed on the cuffs, and what was even more surprising was that he had three thousand silver hair.

The silver hair was exposed to the air, flying up slightly, exuding the light refracted by the sun, the whole person was like a calm sea under the stars in midsummer!

So indifferent, so untainted by the world!
It's him!definitely is!


Her silver-haired master!

Nalan Yue's eye sockets were slightly red, her heart was heaving violently, and the other hand that was hanging down was trembling because of being too excited.

"Master..." Father!

The two words almost blurted out, but when his cold eyes swept over, Nalan Yue was timid for the first time!
These two words were silently swallowed by her.

Because...the master's indifferent pupils don't have her shadow at all, nothing, nothing!

Strangers make her heartache and suffocate her!
This feeling was tormenting her heart every minute and every second, it was as if she had been discarded by her dearest and dearest!
Suppressing the churning emotions in her heart, Nalan Yue took a deep breath to force herself to swallow back all the doubts and heartaches in her stomach.

Maybe he is just a person similar to Master...

Although she comforted herself so much in her heart, Nalan Yue was very sure that he was her master.

My silver-haired master!The master who has raised me for 20 years in modern times!

But why is Master here?Is it also worn?

Countless questions hovered in her mind, but unfortunately no one could answer her, and the only person who could solve her questions only regarded her as a stranger!
That's right, her master didn't see her at all, as if she was a passerby.

As Ye Wuzun got closer and closer, everyone's breathing became shallower. If the national teacher is the supreme existence of each of their countries, then Ye Wuzun is the existence passed down by the entire Qinglong Academy...

The only alchemy master in the mainland...

The number one refiner in the mainland...

The number one powerhouse in the mainland...


It is an existence covered by countless halos, and it is an existence worshiped by thousands of practitioners!
It is an existence that no one else can look up to...

"Ye, Ye Wuzun, you, why are you here!" Facing him, the previous high-heeled children's mentor stuttered three times before finishing his sentence.

Moreover, he bowed his head respectfully, for fear that he would be profaned by accident.


Her master is such an existence, people dare not feel any blasphemy, only full of respect!
From where Nalan Yue was standing at this time, he could only be seen from the corner of his eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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