Chapter 681
In the end, a very vulgar banner was pulled up - "The boss must win!" There is also Pizza Hut!

Here, Fengchu and the others naturally refused to admit defeat, and also pulled up the banner - "Come on Yueyue, we must win!"

Not to mention that such a vulgar method must have been...that guy Ye Jiu came up with it, and it was their poor little friends who implemented it!

Sure enough, friends are either for betrayal or for cheating!

As noon was approaching, the martial arts field in the school was full of people, so many pairs of eyes were looking forward to this one-sided competition of torturing the enemy.

Who is abused?Of course it was the arrogant and arrogant freshman!
Murong Qing'er's dashing red dress first caught everyone's eyes, under the golden light, the woman in red dress was dazzling and coquettish, her face was gorgeous but refined, she had an informal atmosphere and a chic coolness.

"Boss, wow, the boss is here!"

"Boss has become beautiful again. Every time I look at Boss, my boyish heart is beating so hard..."

"Me too, me too..."

With such a violent beating, are you sure it's not something wrong with the heart?

Murong Qing'er has come, but Nalan Yue has not been seen yet.

This freshman is really playing cards, and even asked Boss Murong to wait for her, everyone couldn't help but get upset.

The whispers in the surroundings naturally reached the ears of Feng Chu and the others, and they also looked at the entrance of the competition field with some worry.

"Is Yueyue unable to find the location of the martial arts field..." Wouldn't she ask someone?
Needless to say, this kind of innocent question is Bei Lier's tone.

"Oh, how can this work, I'll pick her up right now." The only person who answered such nonsense was Feng Chu's "two hundred and five"!
"Feng Chu, you're out of your mind again!" Meng Luo couldn't help but sneered. Lizi's question could be called innocent, but Feng Chu was stupid. "Ye Jin is not in a hurry, you are in a hurry!"

When he said this, Feng Chu immediately looked at Ye Jin, and was relieved seeing him not worried, but turned to stare at Meng Luo viciously, "You want to die, don't you!"

Damn, I'm despising his IQ again!

Meng Luo directly stopped Bei Li'er, too lazy to argue with him.

After all, the gap in IQ is flawed.

"Yueyue, I'm coming soon." Ye Jin stood up, her tall and slender body matched with a handsome face, she was simply jealous.

Originally, he planned to pick up this little girl, but she said that she was stuck in the promotion process, so his going would only distract her.



In the space bracelet, Nalan Yue was already sweating profusely in order to break through. Even though she knew that it was already the time for the agreed competition, she was ready to do so!

If she retreats, all previous efforts will be wasted, and she will go crazy, because she can only move forward, and of course she never thought of retreating.

The crystal beads of sweat were like a string of disconnected beads, constantly bubbling, and colorful rays of light surrounded her body.

Although it is great to have seven elements, the speed of cultivation is very slow. If you want to advance to the first level, the basic element is that all seven elements are in a saturated state.

This is also why Nalan Yue's promotion rate has become slower and slower after the Imperial City Competition, because the accumulation of the seven elements requires a lot of energy.

But it's not that there are only bad things. On the contrary, with the seven elements, she can instantly kill opponents within the same class.

If Murong Qing'er really suppressed her strength to the same level as her own as she said, then she would be able to instantly kill her within three moves.

(End of this chapter)

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