Chapter 682
But if not, it may be a little more laborious, but it is not completely impossible to win!
Everything depends on the person!
Perhaps it was because of clearing up the thoughts in her heart, Nalan Yue suddenly felt that the seven elements spinning rapidly in her body were all rushing towards one point.

"Promote to a six-star martial artist—" the voice of the master system finally came.

The golden light surrounded Nalanyue for a long time, and the golden phoenix on his forehead was extremely coquettish but extremely sacred. The combination of the two strange feelings could only make Nalanyue's stunning face even more charming.

The golden light didn't fade, on the contrary, it became more intense, obviously promoted again!

"Seven Star Martial Master..." The ethereal voice of the system came again.

Nalan Yue, who was successfully promoted, sweated a lot, let out a long breath, looked at the time and was about to flash out of space immediately.

Before he could leave, a long figure slowly appeared in front of his eyes, the upright facial features were still covered with a silver mask, giving off a layer of light.

A figure like a water mark was reflected in Nalan Yue's eyes, she was startled and then hurriedly came over charmingly.

Nonsense, this is a well-known master of the system, who will not flatter anyone!

Ever since this great god stole her pawns, I haven't seen him show up before, and now he has appeared!
The weirdest thing is!

She always felt that this well-known master of the system had a bit of eyes, but when she saw those golden eyes, Nalan Yue didn't have any doubts in her heart, because no one she had ever met had such golden pupils!
and so--

It must be her illusion!

Well, it must be that she wanted to curry favor with the master of the system so much that she had the illusion that he was an acquaintance!

On the opposite side, the master of the system who overheard Xiao Nizi's voice couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Nalan Yue looked at him eagerly, "Master, are you going to hug my thigh?"

"I refuse this!" The national teacher refused resolutely, and Nalan Yue immediately lost his temper!
Cheapskate, why don't you just hug your thigh, maybe there will be a piece of meat missing?

"Aren't the seven elements difficult to cultivate?" came the jerky voice of the master of the system.

"Yes, yes. The Great God has a good suggestion?" Nalan Yue nodded fiercely, thinking that the Great God was going to guide her in cultivation, and immediately listened like a good baby.

Who knows-

The master of the system just said coolly, "No."

clack clack-

Nalanyue's glass heart was broken again, really, the master of the system rejected it so directly.

"Practice the Five Elements Formation." The master of the system glanced at her coldly, and after dropping a few words, they disappeared bit by bit like water in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, what is the Five Elements Formation!" Seeing that he was about to leave, Nalan Yue shouted at the top of her voice.

But it was still a step too late, or the master of the system heard it but didn't bother to explain it to her. Anyway, no matter what the reason was, the master of the system turned into air without even a shadow, as if he had never been here before.

Nalanyue couldn't help but raised her middle finger, and gesticulated contemptuously towards the place where the system master appeared before, while gesticulating, she chattered endlessly, "Hmph, what kind of system master, actually half-spoken, this is not the rhythm of rushing to death what..."

It's like taking a bite out of a cake, and even the taste is not long enough to force you to spit it out and take away the whole cake!

"Ah, it's over, sister's competition!" Nalan Yue exclaimed as soon as she finished despising the master of the system, and rushed towards the competition arena.

(End of this chapter)

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