Chapter 683
At the same time, when Nalan Yue rushed to the arena at high speed, there was already a mess of porridge here.

Many children's shoes were discussing, "Couldn't Nalan Yue retreat temporarily!"

"I see this does have..."

"I just said, how can a new student dare to be so rampant, it turns out to be a paper thing... Bah!"

"Want to die?" The male classmate who was full of swear words just now raised his feet too high, and Ye Jin directly lifted him up, clasping his neck tightly with both hands.

The male student's face slowly turned red because of his shortness of breath, like an inflated balloon, and he kept making struggling sounds, "Uh... woo... let me go..."

Ye Jin sneered, looking at him with extremely ruthless eyes, as if strangling him on the spot didn't matter.

Everyone was frightened by his ruthlessness, and most of them had heard that he was the domineering, reckless, and maddening Ye Xuechang from last year, so everyone immediately kept silent!

Smart people understand the principle of being wise and safe, only a fool would rush to the point of the gun now.

"It's just a few curses, so it won't kill people?" Murong Qing'er on the stage saw him and couldn't help but say something.

After all, it's not a big deal. Besides, the mouth grows on other people's bodies, so we can't kill all the gossipers!

"Take care of yourself!" Ye Jin arrogantly glanced at her from the corner of her eye, and threw it to the boy in her hand with some disgust.

That frown like what a filthy piece of trash he was.

"If you don't want your mouth next time, you can just say it!" Finally, he threw down a threatening sentence, and the fierce tone made the boy who was thrown on the ground shake his shoulders!

Murong Qing'er shrugged her shoulders boredly, but her slender Danfeng eyes were tinged with envy. After all, any girl hoped to be held in the palm of such a man and be a princess for a lifetime!

Because of his disturbance, no one dared to speak loudly. Instead, they all stood quietly and waited for Nalan Yue's arrival.

Live up to expectations——A blue figure appeared at the gate of the martial arts arena. The woman walked towards the light with her back.

The eyebrows are curved, and the most outstanding thing is the pair of extremely clear eyes, clean, indifferent, and the pupils are noble.

Nalan Yue lightly tapped her foot, and her beautiful figure flew up briskly, like a flying swallow, the blue skirt almost blended with the sky.

All of a sudden, the world was peaceful, as if everything was overshadowed by her beauty!

Little sour bubbles welled up in Ye Jin's heart, she was very arrogant, such a stunning little girl really didn't want to be seen by anyone!

In a blink of an eye, Nalan Yue had already landed on the competition stage, and she waved her hands at Ye Jin and the others first. When she saw the banner being drawn, the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch!
How does this look like a concert!

"Come on Yueyue..."

"Come on, sister Yueyue!"

What responded to her was the encouraging voices of her friends.

Nalan Yue withdrew her gaze, and slightly nodded towards Murong Qing'er, "I've been waiting for a long time, it's too late to practice."

"It's nothing." Murong Qing'er shrugged her shoulders generously, but looked at her, and was startled, "Seven-star martial artist...?"

Murong Qing'er's red lips grew suddenly, she looked at her in disbelief, she was a five-star martial artist three days ago!
(End of this chapter)

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