Chapter 763 Fusion 4
This silly girl allowed herself to live in her aura-filled space, so that his soul would not be so fragile. He remembered this favor clearly.

He didn't want her to get hurt because of him.

"I won't leave you alone." Nalan Yue insisted on staying, and immediately released the five-element formation, and the other friends behind him quickly helped the formation to replenish elements.

The Five Elements Formation turned rapidly, and immediately covered the crazy old man inside. Being pressed by the Five Elements Formation, he immediately felt that his movements slowed down, and he felt a suffocating feeling of being tightly strangled.

It was his changes that slowed down his self-exposure, stopped his crazy absorption of wood elements, and temporarily controlled his self-exposure.

The nameless old man raised his eyes in surprise, he didn't expect Nalan Yue's move to stop his self-exposure.

Of course, the good times don't last long, the next second, the crazy old man is fighting against the Five Elements Formation, continuing his self-exposure, "Don't look at me to stop this old man!"

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Nalan Yue and the others tried again. Although his speed slowed down a little, it was a pity that he could not cure the symptoms. Nalan Yue glanced at the unknown old man and said to him quickly, "Quick, see if you can Can't fuse him!"

Immediately, the unknown old man also jumped into the five-element formation, and the speed of the crazy old man's self-exposure was slowing down because of the five-element formation. At this time, the unknown old man came again, and he suddenly panicked.


His body went back again, like a balloon with a hole pierced by a needle, leaking air, the crazy old man hurriedly continued to expose himself.

But because of the panic just now, the original 90.00% self-disclosure progress has reached 50.00% in an instant!

The nameless old man sneered at this moment, and quickly stopped him, wanting to fuse him!
The crazy old man was aware of the danger, and he absorbed the wood elements even more frantically, and in the blink of an eye, he swelled into a bloated balloon again.

The nameless old man was not a vegetarian either, he kept disturbing him, trying to devour him and fuse him!
It's a pity that the aura of self-disclosure is huge, even if the unknown old man tried his best, he still couldn't integrate him.

"Hehe..." The crazy old man smiled triumphantly, as if the one who was about to die was not him but the enemy!

The body swelled to the extreme, and the pores and veins were enlarged like the surface of the moon——

The red fire light and his pride expanded in the pupils of Nalan Yue and the others, expanding...



"No!" Mosang, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly yelled, sweating all over his head, and at the same time, his oval face was pale, and even his lips lost blood.

"Sang!" Her excited appearance alarmed Mo Lin who was guarding beside him. He hugged her, pressed her head against his warm chest, and asked her softly, "What's wrong? I'm having a nightmare." ?”

Listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, Mo Sang's heart gradually calmed down, but when she thought of the scene in the dream where Nalan Yue and the others were in danger, the scene really made her heart twitch again, and she frowned deeply. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he looked up at Mo Lin, "Lin, something happened to Nalan and the others, they are in danger!"

Mo Lin frowned, and patted her sweat-soaked back comfortingly, "Don't think about it, I gave them all the tokens to save their lives."

"No!" Mo Sang insisted, grabbing Mo Lin's arm, his nails sank into his flesh due to fear, "They are really in danger, Lin, can you go and save them... please!"

(End of this chapter)

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