Chapter 764 Fusion 5
Mosang burst into tears, and her already pale face looked weaker, as delicate as a white pear blossom.

Mo Lin's heart suddenly softened, and he raised his hand to gently wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Okay, I'll save them."

"Really?" Mo Sang immediately beamed with joy, coupled with the tears all over her face, people who didn't know thought she was crying with joy!

Mo Lin finally shaved her little Qiong's nose, and then, under her urging eyes, hurried towards the forbidden area of ​​the clan.



In the forbidden area, the crazy old man's terrifying laughter echoed in the air for a long time, it was eerie and terrifying, "Hehe... let's die together!"

Nalan Yue and the others had already gathered together, and the Five Elements Formation was shattered by the crazy old man's last blow, but do you want to pull them to die with him?


"I'll smash the token right away, everyone join hands!" Nalan Yue whispered to the others, and immediately several people held hands together, and then she looked at the very weak nameless old man at this time, "I must Will find another way to bring you back to life!"

The nameless old man nodded, he was so weak that he couldn't even speak, but he smiled wryly in his heart. If this soul is gone, he may only exist as a shadow forever. It's not that he doesn't trust Nalan Yue, but that he wants to It's really hard to bring him back to life!

At the same time, he didn't want Nalan Yue to take another risk!


Suddenly there was a violent cross talk, and with the powerful impact, the surrounding trees fell down in rows, the wind was strong, and sand and rocks were flying.

Lively tornado scene!
Just as Nalan Yue was about to crush the token in her hand, she immediately heard a familiar voice, "Fight together!"

It's Mo Lin!
Everyone was overjoyed immediately, and after a closer look, they realized that the arrogant crazy old man had been beaten to the ground, but his eyes were full of hatred. After touching a handful of blood, he hit everyone again!

"Take it!" Suddenly, a small golden pagoda appeared in the palm of Mo Lin's palm, shining brightly for a moment, and smashed it towards the crazy old man!

Fortunately, he discovered the abnormality outside the forbidden area, so he brought the clan's treasure of the clan.

The small golden tower spun extremely fast in mid-air, dazzled the eyes, but it just stopped on the crazy old man's head.

And then it's about to drop--

The crazy old man wanted to escape, but his body seemed to be sucked by a powerful magnet, making him unable to move at all. He knew that it was a golden pagoda, an artifact left over from ancient times!
It's not something he can compete with!

Despair enveloped the top of his head, and the crushed people couldn't breathe. The madness in the eyes of the crazy old man was gradually occupied by fear. He roared, "No, I don't accept it, I will never be swallowed by you!"


After all, he was still taken into the tower, no matter how hard he struggled!

"I can not be reconciled--"

"Unwilling to—"

Even when he was taken in, everyone could still hear his heart-piercing roar, which was deafening.

Yes, consciousness has already been reproduced, who wants to be fused into another brand new person!

It's a pity that in a world where the strong are respected, only fists are looked at!
Mo Lin put away the golden pagoda in his hand, took two steps back and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The bright red color shocked everyone behind him. When they came back to their senses, they saw Nalan Yue, a stunning girl, stuffing something into the mouth of the head of the family.

"what are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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