Chapter 765 Fusion 6
A deer's hoof was about to slap Nalan Yue's hand away, but fortunately she avoided it with quick eyesight and quick hands, and the western medicine that was intended to be given to Mo Lin also fell to the ground.

Nalanyue turned her head to look, only to realize that it was the little sika deer from before. Seeing its alert face, Nalanyue didn't say anything, and didn't even look at the western medicine that fell on the ground. Instead, she took out a new one. Pass it to him, "Eat it, your injury will heal faster."

Mo Lin stared at her, and then swallowed the pill without hesitation.

"The patriarch—"

The sika deer watched him swallow that weird round piece, and couldn't help exclaiming, but it was too late to stop it.

After swallowing the pill, Mo Lin felt a strange force moving through his body, and his chest, which was still congested, slowly eased.

He turned his head and looked at the sika deer, seeing her worried look as if he had just swallowed poison, he was a little helpless, "I've already said, they are not enemies!"

"But... what did she feed you just now?" Its deer eyes can see clearly, it is obviously a strange round piece, such a strange thing, it is not poison or anything!
"It must be poison!" The sika deer insisted!
"Retarded!" Murong Qing'er came over and glanced at it contemptuously, "You don't even know what you need to do with your brain!"

With such an IQ, she still dares to doubt her boss, why not eat Xiang?
"You!" The sika deer saw that she was being despised, and her clear deer eyes suddenly became watery, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

In the end, it was Mo Lin who came out to rescue her, "The Ice and Snow Deer Clan lived in the depths of the Devil's Forest all year round, so it was inevitable that the news would not circulate."

But as the patriarch of the clan, he still knew about western medicine. Seeing that there was still a piece of western medicine on the ground, he bent down to pick it up.

"So it's really not poison?" The sika deer suddenly realized, and lowered her head in shame.

"En." Mo Lin snorted at her, then handed the western medicine he picked up to Nalan Yue, "Here."

Nalan Yue glanced at it and saw that it was stained with dirt, so she shook her head slightly, "Throw it away, Western medicine is different from other elixir, once it is contaminated, its efficacy will be greatly reduced."

Besides, there are so many pills in her space that they can almost be used as jelly beans. Speaking of this, Nalan Yue couldn't help but have black lines all over her head, and Xiao Fenghuang and the others secretly ate them all day long.

Mo Lin nodded, just about to throw away the western medicine, but a golden shadow quickly flashed in front of his eyes, snatching the pill from his hand so fast that even he couldn't catch it.

"What!" Mo Lin frowned, his eyes looked around and finally settled on Nalan Yue's shoulder.

At this time, the culprit, little Phoenix, was sitting on Nalan Yue's shoulder, chewing on the pill with his young teeth, and the "bouncing and bouncing" one really took this as a jelly bean.

"It's a pity to throw it away!" In the end, it smashed its mouth, with a look of unfinished content.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Seeing that everyone was staring at it without blinking, Little Phoenix couldn't help covering her face shyly, and quickly ran into Nalan Yue's sleeve, which was actually the space bracelet.

Nalan Yue: "..." It's embarrassing, this is definitely not her monster.

"Haha!" Murong Qing'er laughed loudly, "Boss, your monster is too funny!"

"Murong Qing'er, it's time to take the medicine!" Seeing her gloating look, Nalan Yue became playful, raised her hand and threw a handful of pills into her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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