Chapter 766 Fusion 7
Unsuspecting Murong Qing'er swallowed several pills at once, her neck was still bulging, she was really innocent.

" want to murder, what kind of medicine is this!" Murong Qing'er scratched her throat wanting to cry but couldn't spit out a single one.

Nalan Yue glanced at her mischievously, gave her a bewildered smile, and then looked at Mo Lin again. To be precise, it should be the golden pagoda in his hand, "Can I borrow this?"

It is estimated that this kind of tower is used to lock people, so the crazy old man should still be inside at this time, so now is not a good time for fusion.

"Of course." Mo Lin's deep voice sounded, and he handed the golden pagoda to her, "Be careful, he might come out."

Nalan Yue nodded, shook the golden pagoda, heard the sound of impact, and made sure that the crazy old man was not dead inside, so she immediately summoned the unknown old man.

"He's not dead yet, are you sure you can fuse him now?"

"Yes, yes, but..." The translucent nameless old man floated over, hesitating for a moment, the cheeks of the old urchin turned red, and he looked at Nalan Yue with some embarrassment, "I need elixir, the kind that replenishes spiritual energy. "

The battle just now consumed a lot of aura, so he needed to replenish it.

It's really "shy" for an old man to speak like this!

"No problem." Nalan Yue didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so she agreed. Anyway, there are many Dan in the space, even if she is gone, he can continue refining.

After grabbing a lot of pills and giving them to him, Nalan Yue signaled Mo Lin to open the golden pagoda to let the unknown old man enter.

Mo Sang had already heard some clues from their conversation, so he didn't talk nonsense at this time, and immediately sent the unknown old man inside.

Seeing the figure of the unknown old man slowly disappearing into the golden pagoda, Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that he could successfully integrate with the crazy old man.



Time passed little by little, except for the occasional golden pagoda shaking, nothing unusual happened!
The more calm she was, the more restless Nalan Yue's heart became. She frowned and stared at the golden pagoda in her hand, even with perspective she couldn't see the condition of her face clearly.

Mo Lin saw her worry, so he comforted her, "People who are locked in the golden tower will be restricted, the crazy old man can't toss about it, and the unknown old man was put in by me, so he will not be restricted. "

"So it's like this..." Nalan Yue finally felt relieved, and she didn't have any previous entanglements and worries.

Mo Lin sat quietly on the sidelines and healed his wounds. Nalan Yue glanced at him and asked, "How did you come here in such a timely manner?"

"That's right!" Qing'er Fengchu and others also came over one after another.

If it wasn't for his feeling, they would have crushed the token already!

Mo Lin passed over their faces, and replied lightly, "It was Mo Sang who dreamed that you were in danger."

That's why he came here?

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, this dream was really accurate, but fortunately, this dream!

"By the way, you can subdue the crazy old man, why do you allow him to occupy the mountain here as king?" Murong Qing'er asked the doubts in his heart.

At the same time, everyone is also curious, yes, he can be subdued, why wait until now!

Mo Lin frowned, his eyes showed embarrassment, and he shook his head, "Because..."

Just as he was about to explain, suddenly the ground under his feet trembled non-stop. Feng Chu and Murong Qing'er were standing on the ground, and because of the shaking of the ground, the soles of their feet bumped into each other unsteadily at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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