Chapter 771 Leaving 4
The old man with a gray beard couldn't help but took a step forward, pointed at her nose and shouted, "What do you mean?" Could it be that their medicine garden can be restored?

"Literally." Nalan Yue looked at them with a smile that was not a smile, seeing their anxious faces, suddenly felt that playing tricks was also a very interesting thing!

Another old man strode forward, gnashing his teeth angrily at her unclear answer, "Explain!"

"Excuse me?" Nalan Yue had a playful smile on his face, and stared at them playfully, "Excuse me... your medicine garden is in my hands now!"

"What!" Mo Sang exclaimed suddenly, broke free from Mo Lin's arms and ran towards her, trying to make sure what she said was true.

Mo Lin followed closely behind.

"The medicine garden is really in your hands?" Mo Sang asked her anxiously, with hope shining in his eyes, so Mo Lin wouldn't have to suffer ice torture again?
Nalan Yue sighed, and nodded heavily at her, "Yes, the medicine garden is in my hands."

Then she exposed a corner of the medicine garden from the space, so that she could see clearly that the medicine garden was indeed in her hands.

"That's good..." Looking at the medicine garden that was almost the same as before, Mo Sang heaved a sigh of relief, nothing else, as long as Mo Lin can do well and not accept punishment!
The deer of the Ice and Snow Deer Clan also saw it at the same time, and immediately said with their noses up, "Then you don't take it out, if you talk nonsense, you will die without a place to bury you!"

So arrogant...

It's so arrogant to beg others, and they are so confident that they will easily give them the medicine garden?
Thinking of this, Nalan Yue couldn't help laughing lowly, and looked at them with a sneering face, "Please be my girl, beg me, and I'll give it back to you."

Do you really think that Nalan Yue is easy to bully?Soft persimmon?She insisted on letting them know that she was a hard rock!

"That's right, please! We'll give it back to you if we're happy with it!" Murong Qing'er, who feared that the world would not be chaotic, raised her chin, and finally she could feel elated.

Feng Chu narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Hmm, it's better to have a few more deer to beat Lao Tzu's shoulders!"

"Look how beautiful you are!" Murong Qing'er looked contemptuous, but she glanced at Frozen Strange Deer and the others from the corner of her eyes, seeing their pitch-black faces, she couldn't help but smile.

Tell you to be arrogant and arrogant just now, if you have the guts to continue!
The Frozen Deer's face was sullen, and the ones in human form were even more angry, "It's too deceitful!"

"No!" Nalan Yue raised a white finger, interrupted their words with a smile in his eyes, "We are not bullying people too much, but... bullying deer too much!"

The fluffy words that came out of her mouth made the faces of the Frozen Strange Deer black again!
"Did you hear...haha!" Murong Qing'er was almost knelt down by her boss's poisonous tongue, "You are not human at all, are you?" At most, you can be regarded as high-level animals!
"..." They are indeed not human, but why do they always have a hint of contempt when they say it out of their mouths!

The Ice and Snow Deer couldn't figure it out, but Mo Lin had interacted with humans before, so he naturally understood the ridicule in their words, and twitched the corners of his mouth to be too lazy to care about it.

But seeing this group of people being bullied and bullied, he felt a sense of pleasure to breathe a sigh of relief!

It may be that his face was too gloating, Frozen Deer suddenly noticed him, and they all looked up at him, "Patriarch, hurry up and teach such an arrogant human being a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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