Chapter 772 Leaving 5
"That's right, patriarch, as the patriarch of the clan, you can't just sit and watch the century-old medicine garden and ignore it!"


Mo Lin, who was named, glanced coldly at these tribesmen, and the corners of his mouth curled up indifferently and mockingly, hehe, why didn't he know that he was still their patriarch after being scolded like a dog before, and now he still has the face to beg him!
Thought you were a persimmon too?
"Patriarch?" Seeing his indifferent look, the elders in front of them saw their eyes wandering because of their guilty conscience.

After all, who made them before...

Mo Lin looked at each other coldly, and his expression was as cold as winter, "How dare I be your patriarch!"

The mocking words were like resounding slaps, and all the Frozen Deer slapped lowered their heads in guilt and embarrassment.

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden, and even the sound of breathing became cautious. Frozen Deer, everyone, look at me, and I look at your helpless expression.

In the end, those gray-bearded old men decided to go forward together to persuade, "Patriarch, you are our patriarch after all, you can't just sit and watch the medicine garden of our Frozen Deer clan get into the hands of others!"

"Besides, if you didn't let humans enter the forbidden area, how could such a thing happen."

"Patriarch, as long as you get back the medicine garden, we don't have to worry about everything before!"

After listening to their gossiping voices, Mo Lin raised the corners of his lips coldly, and a cold dark light flickered in his long eyes, "I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble to everyone...I, Mo Lin, today I will resign as the head of the Frozen Strange Deer Clan."

what! ?

Everyone exclaimed!

No one would have thought that Mo Lin would say this suddenly, even Mo Sang, she raised her eyes in confusion, and held his big hand, "Lin, you..." She moved her lips and wanted to say something, but in the end there was nothing explain.

But there was no trace of blame in her eyes, as long as it was his decision, she would unconditionally support it!
Mo Lin lowered his eyelids and hugged her in relief. To be honest, he had wanted to resign as the patriarch a long time ago. In the future, he would give this difficult and thankless job to whomever he liked, as long as he brought his wife and children to be free!
Nalan Yue sighed. Originally, she just wanted to frustrate the pride of the Frozen Strange Deer, but who would have thought that Mo Lin would not want to be the patriarch.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this..." At worst, she returned the medicine garden to him.

"No." Mo Lin interrupted her, with a slight smile on his lips, "You don't have to blame yourself, I didn't want to be a patriarch in the first place, and Mo Lin only wanted to protect his wife and children in his life!" That's fine.

Mo Sang looked at him gently, his eyes were tender and sweet, "Thank you, Mo Lin." This man really gave up too much for it!

"Fool." How did she know that in her heart, she was the most important thing!
Nalan Yue's heart was extremely touched. Seeing the persistence in Mo Lin's eyes, she understood that he might have made up his mind!
Well, after all, everyone has their own ideas and the life they want to live!
And the Frozen Strange Deer were surprised and angry when they heard that Mo Sang wanted to resign as the patriarch. Does he want to let go of their Frozen Strange Deer clan?

"Patriarch, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you want to abandon our Frozen Strange Deer Clan?"

"Patriarch, you were personally chosen by the previous patriarch, you, you can't be so willful!"

(End of this chapter)

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