Chapter 773 Leaving 6
"Patriarch, you can't resign the patriarch, otherwise what will we do!!" Although it is indeed wrong for Mo Lin to release humans into the clan privately and destroy the forbidden area this time, it is also because of him for nearly a hundred years. The Frozen Strange Deer Clan can live a stable life today only by protecting them!

The most important thing is... Yaoyuan hasn't got it back yet!
Without the medicine garden, their lives will not be guaranteed in the future, this is what they are most worried about!
"Isn't this what you want?" Mo Sang was about to be disgusted by this group of people, heh, he looked like he wanted to tear them apart before, but now he has such a face, acting for someone to see!
"Don't be angry, I have everything." Mo Lin stretched out his hand to stabilize her, and then took a step forward with long legs, looking around the tribe with cold eyes.

"Patriarch—" The Frozen Strange Deer were overjoyed immediately, thinking that he was going to change his mind, and then could he immediately take back the medicine garden from the hands of those humans...

Just when they were making good plans, Mo Lin's words in the next second completely extinguished their hopes, as if a cluster of flames were poured with cold water in an instant, "From now on, you can do your own thing."

"Patriarch, are you leaving the snow mountain?" The plum blossom deer looked at him in surprise, with a questioning expression in his clear eyes.

"I'm no longer your patriarch." Mo Lin was cold all over, and his black robe was rolling in the snow and ice, making his face even more pale and distant.

The sika deer was startled, knowing that he has always been a man of one word, so he immediately looked at Mo Sang eagerly, "Sister Sang, do you want to leave too?" She really couldn't bear them to leave!

Seeing her asking this question, Mo Sang raised his eyes and looked at Mo Lin. The two smiled at the same time, and they both saw the relaxed light in each other's eyes.

Yes, they were all leaving, and it was time to see the outside world.

"Little sika deer, we have to leave." Well, it just so happens that Nan Feng keeps inviting them to Qinglong Academy!

"Have you really thought it through?" Nalan Yue couldn't help but confirm again, hoping that they weren't just out of temper.

Mo Lin and Mo Sang nodded at the same time.

Seeing how persistent they were, everyone fell silent, and Nalan Yue no longer interfered in their affairs.

"Then...what about the medicine garden!" Someone in the deer herd shouted first, and suddenly, the deer herd became restless again.

Compared with Mo Lin's resignation as the patriarch, they are more concerned about the century-old medicine garden of the Ice and Snow Deer Clan!

After talking about it, it still went back to the starting point, Murong Qing'er sneered, raised her eyebrows and stared at the barking deer playfully, "Didn't you say, please, please return it to the medicine garden when we are happy." you!"

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Hehe!" Murong Qing'er's sarcasm became more and more serious, "You guys forgot that you are a deer again!"


"If you don't return the medicine garden to us, we won't be polite!" The ice and snow deer couldn't wait any longer, and they roared their hoofs violently, their antlers facing them one after another.

"Then I'll destroy the medicine garden right away!" Nalan Yue folded her arms comfortably, her clear eyes were stained with a faint smile, making her look extremely naughty at this moment.

"How dare you!" the deer roared.

"Then try it!" Nalan Yue sneered, there probably wasn't anything in this world that she didn't dare to do.

"You!!" The ice and snow wonders were about to be defeated by her rascally little ruffian!

(End of this chapter)

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