Chapter 774 Leaving 7
This patriarch, oh no, where did Mo Lin find the girl, she has sharp teeth, and she is afraid of constant things that are pinching their nails!
Really, damn it!hateful!

But the situation has developed into what it is now. Mo Lin resigned as the patriarch, and the medicine garden is still in the hands of humans.

What will this group of deer do to them! ?

"Please!" Murong Qing'er saw their embarrassment, and kept adding insult to injury.

"Hey, didn't you see that they were very reluctant?" Feng Chu fanned the flames from the side.

"If you don't want to, you will destroy the medicine garden. What a simple thing!"

"Bitch, you are so right!"

Everyone: "..." Is it really okay to fan the flames like this?

"Yueyue!" Fengchu turned his head and gave Nalanyue a look, "Let's stop wasting time with them here, and just take the medicine garden away, or just destroy it!"

"You can have this!" Nalan Yue cooperated with their pretense very much.

Immediately, Feng Chu and Murong Qing'er proudly showed a group of deer with wicked smiles, looking like they were alive.

The Ice and Snow Strange Deer Qiqi sweated profusely, this... what kind of cruel people did they provoke!

On the contrary, Mo Sang looked at them worriedly, thinking that they would really destroy the medicine garden... Then it would definitely be a chaotic battle!
"Don't worry, they won't!" After all, Nalan Yue is not stupid, she will accept it when she sees it.

Mo Lin's low but extremely reassuring voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Mo Sang was slightly relieved.

In the final stalemate between the two parties, Frozen Deer still conceded defeat, and said to Nalanyue discouragedly, "Did you return the medicine garden to us because we begged you?"

"Of course not!" Nalan Yue denied it suddenly, causing Frozen Stranger to snort out of his nose angrily, and gusts of wind and snow were blown up.

After a long time, they were played by humans? !
A white and icy scene between heaven and earth, silver trees and ice lake, Tiandi took a close-up shot of her, making the surrounding scenes blurred and regressed.

It was as if she, who was only left in the blue dress, was contending with a group of ice and snow deer, and the air was filled with biting coldness, which went straight to people's necks.

"Despicable human being, you want to go back on your word?" An old man with a white beard and snow and snow deer pointed at her angrily.

Nalan Yue slapped his paw away, and the corners of his mouth and eyebrows were curled into a smile, "You really want to beg us that much?"

"You! Shut up!" Humiliated by humans like this, the antlers of the ice and snow strange deer almost separated from their bodies.

Nalan Yue stubbornly twitched the corner of her lower lip, and cut down on nonsense, "How can I just ask for it, if I ask, then ask for everyone here!"


There was a burst of rage in the ice and snow strange deer group. I just felt that this group of humans was really going too far, and they were getting more and more aggressive!

Little did he know that his previous self was even more deceitful than them!
"Boss is right, you must make us all happy!" Ho Ho, really relieved, Murong Qing'er stared at them almost overflowing with schadenfreude!

"Hurry up and beg my master!"

"We don't have that much time to wait for you to be blind..." Hehehe, I told you to shout at one despicable human before, this time I have to kill you!
"You guys!" Frozen Strange Deer was once again speechless from anger, only felt that his eyes were black, and he almost wanted to be pissed off by this group of humans!

Is it true that everyone begged for it?Ask them to be happy like they say?
Isn't this embarrassing for the deer...

(End of this chapter)

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