Chapter 775 Leaving 8
Seeing that they were still hesitating, Nalanyue didn't have that much time to waste. Although she wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but seeing that the task of the college competition had not been completed... Nalanyue glanced at the Frozen Strange Deer who was still hesitating, and pulled Go to Murong Qing'er and the others, "Since they don't want to, why should we force them!"

It was fine if she didn't say that, but when she said that, the whole Frozen Deer clan would vomit blood, making it seem like they were the bad guys!
When Murong Qing'er received Nalan Yue's suggestive gaze, she immediately nodded and ran over, Qing'er took Yue Yue's arm, "Then boss, let's go..."

After speaking, he took a meaningful glance at the Frozen Strange Deer.


The few people left as soon as they said they wanted to go, and they also dragged Mo Lin and Mo Sang along, but just after taking two steps, the voice of Ice and Snow Deer hurriedly sounded from behind, "Wait!!"

"What's the matter?" Murong Qing'er took Nalan Yue's arm and turned around, raising her brows with a playful smile in her eyes.

"We... can't we beg you to return the medicine garden to us?" Anyway, we can't really watch them take the medicine garden away!
"Is that how you beg for help?" Nalan Yue curled her lips and looked at them with her arms folded.

"That's not it..." Murong Qing'er laughed softly, "When you ask for help, you must have a correct attitude and a respectful expression, and it's best to kneel and lick or something!"

"Pfft!" Feng Chu was angry and delayed giving her a glance, "As expected of a filthy woman, she uttered filthy jokes!"

"It's because you are thinking about it, who is to blame, coquettish man!" Murong Qing'er rolled her eyes back.

On the opposite side, a group of ice and snow deer wanted to cry but had no choice but to seek help from Mo Lin again.

"Master Patriarch, you still have to say something!"

"Yeah, anyway, you are also the boss of our Frozen Strange Deer Clan!"

"The patriarch—"

Mo Lin moved the corners of his lips indifferently, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, calm and cold like a glacier, "That's just in the past!"

He is the patriarch, but that was also the former patriarch. Now he is just a common ice and snow deer, and does not belong to any tribe!

Mo Lin's attitude of not wanting to interfere made all the Frozen Deer angry and unwilling.

"Even if you're not the patriarch, you're still a member of the Frozen Strange Deer Clan. Don't you just watch the clan's treasures being robbed? Don't forget... the culprit of this matter is you!"

An old Ice and Snow Deer vented this passage in one breath, his face flushed, but his voice was smooth and untied, which shows how long he had been brewing.

"Yeah, Mo Lin is your biggest responsibility!"

Facing another accusation from the tribe, Mo Lin looked indifferent, but as his wife, Mo Sang couldn't take it anymore, "You guys are really enough!"

Mo Lin has already paid the price for this matter and resigned as the patriarch. Even if he was wrong, hasn't that crazy old man already solved it?
But why does everyone have to stare at the wrong place, like a fly staring at a cracked egg, and must absorb light to be reconciled?

Mo Sang wanted to yell and question, but the sore nose stimulated her, making her choked up and unable to say a word.

"Don't do this!" Mosang couldn't say it, but the sika deer said it for her, looking at the group of people behind him with accusations, "Don't forget, that crazy old man died in the end..."

(End of this chapter)

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