Chapter 776 Leaving 9
Infected by her courage, Mo Sang immediately took her words and looked at these people, "If it wasn't for Mo Lin, the crazy old man might still be in the forbidden area until now, and then a few clansmen would die every time he collects medicine. Is that what you want?"

"Hmph, you're not a good thing either! It's unfortunate that Mo Lin has a wife like you!" The deer who spoke turned into a brown-skinned humanoid with a small snub nose and small eyes, and what he said was too much, " If it weren't for his forbidden land not being destroyed, the medicine garden wouldn't be taken away by these humans!"

"To shut up--"

"Apologize to her—"

Suddenly, two voices sounded at the same time, with the same majesty in their tone, one was from Mo Lin, and the other was from Nalan Yue!

It's hard to imagine that in her youth, she can have the coercion and aura that rivals Mo Lin, and she has the demeanor of dominating the world!
"You, apologize!" Nalan Yue reached out to lift the man, and threw him at Mo Sang's feet, letting him roll around in pain hugging his thigh.

"Hiss—it hurts!"

The man yelled, but Nalan Yue stepped on half of his hand with one foot, and slowly crushed it, with no warmth in his eyes, as if he would break his whole hand in the next second.

"It hurts... Let go of me! It's numb!" The man struggled, swearing and saying nothing but apologizing.

Nalanyue looked at him expressionlessly, and suddenly stepped hard, and the man's roar sounded like killing a pig.

"Human, are you crazy?" Faced with their tribe being insulted like this, the Frozen Strange Deer were furious, looking at them with bright red eyes.

"Apologize!" Nalan Yue stared coldly at the person under her feet, and then looked coldly at the other Frozen Strange Deer, "Apologize to Mo Lin and Mo Sang, otherwise, you will never get it from Medicine Garden!"

Her voice was resounding, with endless coldness and powerful coercion, which made all the deer's hearts shudder.

A miniature medicine garden slowly appeared in his hand, it was the hundred-year-old medicine garden of the Ice and Snow Deer Clan, Nalan Yue used the space to make it miniature.

Her fingers were already fully clenched, as if the Frozen Deer hesitated a moment, and she might crush them!

For a moment, everyone and all the deer's eyes were focused on her, staring closely at this blue skirt girl who was overwhelming the world, and they all sighed with admiration for her domineering that was extremely inconsistent with her age!

The Frozen Strange Deer could no longer be silent, they would never stand by and watch the medicine garden being destroyed, and finally compromised, all the deer Qiqi looked at Mo Lin and Mo Sang, "The patriarch, the patriarch's wife... what happened before... I'm really sorry."

Mo Lin hugged his wife, and looked back at these former clansmen indifferently, "No need, I don't want to care about the past, and I will no longer be your clan leader in the future."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head towards Mosang, and his majestic and indifferent tone instantly became as soft as cotton, "Sang, let's take the baby and go to Nanfeng first."

Mo Sang nodded happily, and then she looked at Nalan Yue again, "Thank you." Let them not leave with anger anymore, let all the clansmen apologize!

Nalan Yue shook her head lightly. In the final analysis, it was because of them, so Mo Sang's thank you was really unacceptable to her.

"Return the medicine garden to us!" The apology has been finished, and they have begged and begged before, now they have no reason not to return the medicine garden!

Nalan Yue crossed her arms, with a slight mocking smile in her eyes, and waved her hand to take the medicine garden out of the space.

(End of this chapter)

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