Chapter 777 Leaving 10
The huge medicine garden is spread out on the silver snow in an instant, and the verdant plants stand upright and lovely, which is especially eye-catching in a world of ice and snow. .

As soon as the Frozen Deer saw the medicine garden, they immediately surrounded it.

"Boss, they haven't asked us to be happy yet!" Murong Qing'er raised her eyebrows, a little disappointed.

"You will see more interesting ones later!" Nalan Yue curled her lips meaningfully, and smiled mysteriously at her.

Murong Qing'er was suddenly at a loss.

"Let's go." Nalan Yue had already pulled her towards the outside, Feng Chu and the others immediately followed.

No one has ever noticed that a sneering arc flashed across Nalan Yue's downcast face, and she was counting silently in her heart——



one! !
"Stop!" The Frozen Strange Deer suddenly yelled at their backs, and the few people who were walking stopped in confusion. When they turned their heads, they saw all the Frozen Strange Deer with vicious expressions, as if they were about to give them a hard time. crunch!

What the hell?

Didn't the medicine garden be returned to them?
Only Nalan Yue had a clear expression, slightly raised the corners of her mouth, waiting for their next words.

A few old men from Ice and Snow Strange Deer stepped forward with a sneer, "Don't even think about leaving today, if you dare to insult the Ice and Snow Clan, you will definitely die!"

Before the relationship, it was their plan to delay the attack, right?

Everyone laughed angrily, and Mo Lin frowned even more. He didn't expect the clansmen to have such a side.

"Is this the rhythm of life and death?" Feng Chu flicked his bangs on his forehead, narrowing his peach eyes dangerously.

"No! You are the ones who die and we live!" The ice and snow deer said in unison, causing the snow mountains in the distance to "cough" and fall.

"What arrogance!" Murong Qing'er blew coldly.

"Let's go together—" the leading old Ice and Snow Deer in front raised their hands, their faces gleaming with pride, hmph, do you really think that the Ice and Snow Clan are easy to bully?

"Wait first!" Nalan Yue raised her hand suddenly, staring at them.

"What? Are you scared?" Frozen Strange Deer sneered.

Nalan Yue flitted across their faces in a leisurely manner, narrowing her eyes slightly, "I forgot to say...the half of the medicine garden is still in my hands!" The tone as light as a feather made all the deer angry. half dead!
Everyone stared at the innocent Nalan Yue, they really didn't expect her to keep such a trick.

The smug smiles of the Ice and Snow Deer suddenly froze on their faces, and they wanted to take it back but couldn't move the corners of their mouths, their eyelids twitched.

"Boss, yes!" Murong Qing'er patted her left shoulder, winking.

"Yueyue, not bad!" Feng Chu patted Nalan Yue's left shoulder.

Mo Lin glanced at her meaningfully, and then at the medicine garden.

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes at the two of them, patted their arms off, raised her eyes and innocently shrugged at the Frozen Strange Deer, "I'm really sorry, I wanted to return it to you, but you still want to kill us... ..."

"'s just a misunderstanding...a misunderstanding!" Several old men in Ice and Snow Stranger began to stroke their beards and laugh, trying to turn over this page in vain.

But how could Nalan Yue and the others be easily taken over by them? Murong Qing'er immediately stepped forward and glared at them, "We don't think this is a misunderstanding!"

Feng Chu yelled angrily, "That's right, Tama thinks we are all blind?" It's good that they are so murderous!
"This..." Frozen Strange Deer's guilty eyes wandered, not knowing how to explain it.

"Okay, when we leave, the medicine garden will be returned to you!" Nalan Yue pulled the two of them, and said calmly to Frozen Strange Deer.

(End of this chapter)

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