Chapter 778 Leaving 11
"keep your word?"

"You think everyone is you?" Nalan Yue slapped his face coldly, alluding to what they wanted to kill them just now!
When this was mentioned again, Frozen Deer was once again choked speechless!

They had to watch their leaving backs helplessly, and then quickly followed after they came back to their senses, but as long as they were more careful and seriously looked back at the previous medicine garden, they would find... In fact, there is no other half at all!
The medicine garden is clearly complete!

Nalan Yue pursed her lips while walking, yes, the medicine garden returned to them was indeed complete, and the other half of what she said was indeed made up by her!
But no one noticed the reason behind it, and the group of silly deer followed them...

Nalan Yue couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head.

"Boss, what are you laughing at?" Murong Qing'er looked at her strangely, always feeling that she understood something, but she didn't know what she understood.

"It's nothing." Nalan Yue passed by lightly.

Murong Qing'er nodded dizzily.

In 10 minutes, they had already walked outside the Frozen Stranger's Clan, and they could leave the Frozen Stranger's territory by walking a few more steps.

At this moment, Mo Lin and Mo Sang took their five children out of the cave and prepared to leave with Nalan Yue and the others.

Everyone has arrived, and they have already left the range of the Ice and Snow Clan. Several old men from the Ice and Snow Deer immediately stepped forward, "Can you return the other half of the medicine garden to us now?"

Nalan Yue turned around and smiled at them, waving her hands pretending to be apologetic, "I'm sorry, I misremembered... In fact, the medicine garden that was returned to you before is complete!"

"What!" The ice and snow deer roared angrily, isn't this a deer trick!
Mo Sang couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard the words, she was speechless by Nalan Yue's prank, before she also thought that half of the medicine garden was in her hands, now it seems that she is the one who really uses the delaying tactics !

Mo Lin was not too surprised, as if he had expected this to happen.

"Boss, please don't tell me you're playing tricks!" Murong Qing'er almost couldn't stand up laughing, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"No, I was just joking with them!"

When she said this, Murong Qing'er almost knelt down with laughter, "This joke is good enough!"

It's like playing around with the Frozen Deer Clan.

Knowing that he was played by humans, Frozen Deer was angry, very angry, more angry than any time before, "Damn human!"

Their Ice and Snow Deer Clan has always looked down on humans with aloofness, but now they are subjected to such humiliation, how can they bear it!

"There is a kind of duel between us!"

"Not that American time!" Murong Qing'er smiled and hooked the corners of her mouth, enjoying their angry expressions very much.

"There is not much time left, we should go." Nalan Yue looked up at the sky, glanced at the ice and snow deer who kept digging the ground, and said to Murong Qing'er and the others.

"Oh my god, this old lady almost forgot that we still have a mission!" Murong Qing'er patted her head in frustration, she was having so much fun that she even forgot that they had a mission this time!
"..." Dare to remember it!

"Let's go." As long as they leave the territory of the Ice and Snow Clan, these deer will not be able to do anything to them.

Because they are not the only race living here, and once they cross the border, it is not just a simple matter of fighting!
So seeing that they were about to leave, the Frozen Deer had no choice but to scratch the ground angrily with their hind hooves!

(End of this chapter)

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