Chapter 779 Leaving 12
Mo Sang couldn't help sighing, his attitude towards Nalan Yue suddenly rose, he no longer treats her as a junior, this girl will become a master in the future!

It's also fortunate that she is a daughter, otherwise... this continent has not yet seen how many storms have been caused, and Mo Lin at this time does not know that it is this girl who will become a great weapon, and there is a man like a monster behind her!
When the two of them conquered the mainland side by side in the future... Mo Lin suddenly felt how stupid his thoughts were, what happened to women, women can still conquer the world!
Of course this is just another story!
"That's right." Nalan Yue looked up at him, as if thinking of something, she took the golden pagoda and the token from Murong Qing'er, and returned them all to Mo Lin, "Return to the original owner."

"This original owner is not me!" Mo Lin rarely showed a playful smile on his face, and stepped forward to return these things to the tribe.

When I came back, I still didn’t forget to tease myself, “They are the original owners!”

Mo Sang and Nalan Yue couldn't help but look at each other, and they both smiled in unison.

Immediately afterwards, they turned around and left here without a second thought.

Their backs were getting farther and farther in the eyes of a group of deer. For some reason, all the deer suddenly stopped talking, and their hearts were extremely complicated.

Here, the sika deer couldn't help crying softly, and shouted, "Patriarch, wife of the patriarch, remember to come back often!" Knowing that he had resigned as the patriarch, she still insisted.

Mo Lin and Mo Sang didn't turn their heads. It's not that they didn't hear, but... once they left, they didn't think about coming back!

Well, I want to go outside and have a look!


After leaving the Frozen Strange Deer family, they went down to the foot of the mountain, and Mo Lin and Mo Sang were about to leave them.

Mo Lin held his wife's hand and looked at them with a smile, "You guys continue to do the task, Sang and I will go to the academy first!"

"Hey... wait a minute, uncle!" Seeing that they turned around and left immediately, Murong Qing'er hurriedly kept them, and when they turned around, she blinked playfully, "Uncle, sister Sang, please don't complain to the principal. ..."

What complaint?Naturally, they were fighting together before, and accidentally almost lost the other's child...

sweat!What if the dean gives them a demerit and gets zero points!
When Murong Qing'er mentioned this, several pairs of eyes stared at them, so did Nalan Yue.

Seeing their nervous faces, Mo Sang and Mo Lin couldn't help laughing, and finally Mo Sang looked at them comfortingly, "Didn't I say that, that baby was hard to hold, thanks to your presence, Otherwise, where would we get this pair of daughters!"

"That's good, that's good!" Murong Qing'er giggled, her heartless smile infected the hearts of everyone here.

Especially Feng Chu, suddenly felt that his heart missed a few beats, and he didn't know if he would get a heart attack in the long run!

It seems...he has to find a chance to solve it, he doesn't want to suddenly have a heart attack while doing some kind of strenuous exercise in the future!

But she didn't know that Murong Qing'er had already secretly planned everything in her heart!
"Coquettish man!" Someone shouted in front of his ear suddenly, and Feng Chu's eardrums were shaken so painfully.

Looking up, he saw Murong Qing'er with an innocent face, he rolled her eyes angrily, "I'm sick!"

"I think it's because you're sick, it's spring in broad daylight!" Murong Qing'er spoke venomously.

(End of this chapter)

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